Hello @mtnxfreeride,
That’s actually entirely incorrect and I’m really sorry so to see you misunderstood the functionality of pro extensions after the license expiration period.
OceanWP theme itself is entirely free and there is no pro version of the theme itself. If you don’t renew your license for the pro extensions and it expires, absolutely nothing breaks, plugins don’t deactivate, neither does the website fall apart – everything continues to run as is. However, due to lack of updates for pro extensions some of these may stop functioning properly with time because of incompatibility issues for example, either with WordPress, Elementor, WooCommerce, etc. Our pro products/services function absolutely in the same manner as every other service.
On the other hand, if you have filed for a refund request within the Refund Policy period, in that case we cancel your license and the pro extensions stop functioning.
As for Google and its standards, this entirely depends on your website (specific page) design and multiple various factors, but it all starts with your hosting (server). The theme you use, any theme, is the least related to this and no theme can replace or apply best building practices on its own.
Unfortunately, under the WordPress forum rules we’re not allowed you to provide you with support here, but I hope this clarifies things out at least a little. If you have any other questions regarding our pro products/services, you can always reach us directly.
Wishing you a great day