Misplaced _e() functions prevents some translations
Hi again! Great plugin!
I found a number of misplaced _e() functions. I noticed this when I couldn’t translate the string “You have been enrolled on [DATE]”.
If I execute:
$ grep -R _e /var/www/wplab.ohr.se/web/wp-content/plugins/tutor | grep sprintf
There are 21 matching lines in the source, and all of those would have translation problems. They will not show up in the .pot file.Example:
_e(sprintf("You have been enrolled on %s.", "<span>". date(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($enrolled->post_date) )."</span>" ), 'tutor');
We don′t want to translate this text for every possible date… ??Somewhat unrelated, but I also noticed that when I make my own .pot with “wp i18n make-pot” from the latest source it contains some entries which are missing in /wp-content/plugins/tutor/languages/tutor.pot
Best regards,
WalterPS. I might have more comments like this. If you want me to redirect them to a more suitable place, tell me. Otherwise I post here. Thanks!
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