• Nola


    I’ve been pounding my head on the desk for about half an hour, but for some reason that hasn’t helped me find my API Key. I logged into my dashboard, clicked ‘my account’, and checked the entire page, just like the plug-in installation instructions had told me to. There’s no API Key there. So then I logged into my account here in the support site, thinking maybe I had it wrong and THIS was where my API Key would be, but if it’s here it’s hiding from me. Am I missing a key piece of information? The instructions also said that I’d get a twelve digit API key in an email when I signed up for an account, but the only email I received had my temporary password in it— only 6 characters. No key.

    I’m starting to get pelted by spam in my comments section and would really like to activate this plug-in. Anyone have any suggestions?

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  • moshu


    Maybe you missed the most important bit: you have to sign up not here at the www.ads-software.com, but at wordpress.com for a free blog and there you’ll get the API key.

    OK, great, I’ve been having the same problem, I signed up for a WP blog, and now I have a WP acct for my WP site, and a different WP acct for my blog! how can they be combined?

    Nola, I feel empathy for you… Do we really have to get an account at wordpress.com? This is weird since I’m running my blog on my own…

    Yes frankenschulz, you’ll have to signup there and get a blog and stuff..but you don’t have to use it.. =P


    Just grab the API key from the email after signing up, or once you login, it’s under the profile section. I hope this helps! =)


    Haha, me thinks me beat Podz by a few seconds on the posting lol! =P

    Yes you do need to get a blog at wordpress.com
    No there is no way around it
    You do not have to use that blog at wordpress.com
    It’s the way it is ??

    But … you can always use that blog as a vent point. For those posts you reall do want to write but your boss / partner / friend would be annoyed etc. Do it carefully enough and it’ll be a useful place !

    thanks, i’m thinking about it…

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