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  • Thread Starter john smith


    Running latest version of WordPress, and no plugins.

    It’s to do with some changes on calling the prepare() function in WordPress 3.5.

    I had to go into the source code of the plugin and change some things around in order to make it work properly. I can’t remember the exact changes, but it was basically finding all the instances of the prepare() function and making sure that %d came before %s in the code.

    Hope that helped!

    It’s to do with incorrect use of the prepare() method.

    The whole point of it is for WordPress to do the escaping of parameters for you, but many plugin authors still write queries where prepare is either not needed (no parameters), or they’ve put the unescaped values into a query and think prepare() will magically know which parts of the resulting string need escaping. In this case, the plugin has one query that doesn’t need it:

    in function secure_inviters_get_signups_by_code()
    change $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "select count(u.ID) as signups,
    to $sql = "select count(u.ID) as signups,
    and order by count(u.ID) desc;" );
    to order by count(u.ID) desc;";

    @maximinime to my knowledge and testing that doesn’t solve the problem.

    Can you elaborate? Or double check on your end?

    At the time I wrote that fix, that string literal of SQL was wrapped in prepare(). Unwrapping it solved the issue for me. There are two, separate lines that need alteration (the “and” is not part of the query). I am no longer using the plugin.

    I pasted it in again and now working like a champ! Thanks.

    Are you using an alternative now?

    Happy Coding!

    @adrian.dakota do you know what your
    function secure_invite_email_exists

    looks like?

    Can you share the entire file? Still getting a few errors after using @maximinime’s solution. But no longer receiving the error I was thanks to him.


    Plugin Author Chris Taylor


    Thanks @maximinime, I have removed that incorrect use of prepare() and will soon be releasing version 1.2.5.

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