@wasanajones I’ve been waiting for this update for some time, and I hate to see my Query Monitor in red. Then I solved it manually.
1- Access /wp-content/plugins/pdf-embedder/core
2- Open the file core_pdf_embedder.php
3- Edit the end of the file commenting the following lines:
function gutenberg_enqueue_block_editor_assets() {
// wp_enqueue_script(
// ‘pdfemb-gutenberg-block-js’, // Unique handle.
// $this->my_plugin_url(). ‘js/pdfemb-blocks.js’,
// array( ‘wp-blocks’, ‘wp-i18n’, ‘wp-element’ ), // Dependencies, defined above.
// );
// wp_enqueue_style(
// ‘pdfemb-gutenberg-block-css’, // Handle.
// $this->my_plugin_url(). ‘css/pdfemb-blocks.css’, // editor.css: This file styles the block within the Gutenberg editor.
// array( ‘wp-edit-blocks’ ), // Dependencies, defined above.
// );
function gutenberg_enqueue_block_assets() {
// wp_enqueue_style(
// ‘pdfemb-gutenberg-block-backend-js’, // Handle.
// $this->my_plugin_url(). ‘css/pdfemb-blocks.css’, // style.css: This file styles the block on the frontend.
// array( ‘wp-blocks’ ), // Dependencies, defined above.
// );
Hope this helps! =D