Missing episodes on RSS feed when validated
I recently faced some issues with my latest (last 2) podcast episodes not loading on my podcast in Itunes, Castbox and Spotify. When looking into it further and validating my RSS feeds, I realized that I created a RSS feed specific to my podcast: https://thegreenbelle.com/feed/podcast/ and my general RSS feed for my website: https://thegreenbelle.com/feed/
The RSS feed with /podcast added to the end shows all my episodes including the missing 2 when validated on castfeedvalidator.com (for a total of 25 episodes) and is associated with my Powerpress plugin, however my general RSS feed is missing the last 2 episodes (showing only 23).
The current RSS feed that is submitted to iTunes is: https://thegreenbelle.com/feed/ (the one with the 2 missing episodes on castfeedvalidator.com as well). I didn’t realize this at first but I don’t want to change my RSS feed in iTunes with the fear that I lose my reviews and ratings associated with my podcast (I currently have 24 reviews and 5 star rating.
This is my page on apple podcast (iTunes) showing that I only have up to episode 23, even thought I have up to 25 uploaded on my website: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-green-belle/id1455548657
My blog is showing all the blogposts for each podcast episode and I followed the creation of my blogpost correctly: https://thegreenbelle.com/
I haven’t added any additional plug-ins. I honestly didn’t even know iTunes (and Castbox) wasn’t using the proper RSS feed because they would constantly update with episodes until last Thursday (June 20th)
Can anyone help me? P.S. I dont know much about RSS feeds and how to change them)
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