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  • Plugin Author Danny van Kooten


    Hi Angela,

    Did you enable them in the widget options? You have to check the checkbox that says “show comment count”.

    Also, did you enable images in the RFB options screen?

    Thread Starter Angela Eloise


    Hi Danny

    Found the checkbox for comment count. Working fine. Duh.

    I don’t seem to have an RFB options screen. Where should that be?



    Plugin Author Danny van Kooten


    Hi Angela,

    In your WordPress admin panel, go to Options (or Settings, I’m not sure at the moment) and find the “Recent Facebook Posts” menu item.

    Glad to know the comment and like count is working fine for you as well!

    Good luck, Danny.

    Thread Starter Angela Eloise


    Hi Danny

    In my settings screen, this is what I see:

    Facebook API Status: Connected
    App ID
    App Secret
    Facebook numeric ID
    Cache expiry time
    Image source size
    Image width
    Image height
    Link text
    Open link in new window
    Load some default CSS
    Access token (with test/renew button)
    Cache (renew cache button)

    No RFB.


    I just installed this plugin and I’m having the same issue. I get the text for the recent posts, but the Like and Comments are just text links and no images will show. I have tried both Thumbnails and Normal and tried various widths and heights and even taking out the width/height specs altogether. Also there is a blank post at the very top of recent posts that makes no sense because it is also displaying our most recent post just fine.

    The widget is on the right side near the bottom.

    Hi there,
    I didn’t understand why this topic is tagged as “resolved” since it’s not!
    I’m having the same issue. Some posts doesn’t show images just the Title, number of comments and likes.

    Here’s a live example:

    Any suggestions on how can I fix this?

    Plugin Author Danny van Kooten


    Hi Manoel,

    I just discovered that this has something to do when you’re using “normal” as the image size, in your case things will work fine when you choose to use “thumbnails”. I’m working on a fix for this but I suggest you use thumbnails until then. Sorry.

    Ps. Make sure to renew your cache after changing the image source size setting.




    Thanks for the reply Danny! And also congratulations for this plugin.. I know how hard can be to please everyone.

    It worked fine with the thumbnail, but for my design it would be better if I use the “normal” size of images.

    Please, as soon as you have a fix for the “Normal” issue, post it here or at the plugin updates.



    Plugin Author Danny van Kooten


    Hey Manoel,

    Got into it right away – version 1.3 should fix the issue!

    Let me know if that worked for you, hope so!

    Plugin Author Danny van Kooten


    @angela, the page you’re copying from is the “Recent FB Posts” settings screen. Check the checkbox that says “Load some default CSS”.

    @kcdzsara, checking the checkbox hides the “comments” and “likes” text and shows the Facebook like and comment icons instead. So that should fix your ‘issue’ too.

    Good luck both! Sorry for my late reply.

    Hey Danny,
    I′ve updated the plugin and now all imagens appears and at the right size!!
    I have made some customization to the original file putting some style “float: left” so all posts are shown beside each other.

    This is GREAT!!

    Thanks a lot! I′ll surely recommend this plugin to the web….

    Thanks again,


    Hello, Danny!

    The like and comment icons show up now, and the feed updates normally now, which is awesome! Thanks so much!

    Unfortunately, I still can’t get the images to load whether I choose to display them as thumbnails or normal size. Please help!!


    Forgot to include my URL, sorry:

    I have the widget on the right side of the home page.

    Thanks again for your help!

    Plugin Author Danny van Kooten


    hi kcdzsara,

    Not even after updating AND renewing your cache? Sorry, should have stated this.

    Yes sir, I updated to the current version and renewed the cache. Still no luck, absolutely no images display. Thanks again for all your help!

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