• studiograficoitaliano


    I custimized my website heavily, but the cart tab always worked properly. Until yesterday.
    My obvious point of view is that my customizations caused a bug. The only problem is that I am not finding a way to recover the Cart Tab functionality, since all the rest of the website works properly. But I don’t want to renounce to the Cart Tab, it is efficient and elegant.
    I tried to:
    1) use an old backup of my child theme’s style.css;
    2) use an old version of woocommerce.css in the wp-content/themes/storefront/inc/woocommerce/css folder;
    3) run other themes
    4) remove and reinstall the cart tab.
    …but my cart tab always remained empty!
    Now I wonder what can I do before reinstalling everything only to get the items’ list working and my only idea is to ask you for a suggestion about this issue.

    If it can help, the url of my website is https://www.studiograficoitaliano.it



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  • Thread Starter studiograficoitaliano


    I am still trying to solve my problem with the Cart Tab.
    I may be wrong, but it seems I have to recover the visibility of:
    …but I am not finding a way for this.
    I don’t know how does it work with developers’ support on free plugins, but if necessary, let me know a price for your suggestions or help.

    Thread Starter studiograficoitaliano


    Unfortunately, cart and checkout are too important and I was forced to adopt a different plugin to avoid my website to become a catalog.
    Your plugin is free and I don’t expect a fast and immediate support, but I see very old unreplied posts and this can’t be my case, sorry.
    Anyway, with the alternative plugin, everything suddenly restarted to work well without any relevant bug.
    A possible ajax problem with your plugin was possible, since once installed the other one, a white overlay appeared on my checkout page (and I brutally deleted it with a display:none patch).
    I will wait some time and retry with your plugin, since I find it very good and preferrable over others. It is really good (except for the evenjence of a long list of items, whete no scroll appears and the “view cart” button is not on the screen).
    Here why I have to put on the Cart Tab a 5 stars valutation, in the hope to have it working again also on my webshop…

    I have the exact same problem, would be good if we’d work out a solution. I really like this plugin.

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