• Seeing this warning on every page:

    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in?/…/wp-content/plugins/credova-financial/credova-financial.php?on line?124

    The message continues for several lines (125,126,127,…). It is caused when the call on line 123: get_option(‘woocommerce_credova_settings’) returns a boolean rather than an array.

    I’m guessing this is because the ‘woocommerce_credova_settings’ option was never set or failed during the installation process? I have removed the plugin and re-installed it, but the error persists.

    Let me know if you need anything from me to help correct the issue.

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  • Thread Starter dsbetts


    Also this:

    Notice: Undefined index: id in?/…/wp-content/plugins/credova-financial/includes/credova-admin.php?on line?175

    I expect both notices could be eliminated with an

    if (…option_exits and isn’t false…) {

    look in the array


    type of code block.

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