• ondu


    Hope can help me.

    I have troubles with the popup count of the products with blocksy theme, instead of show the number of products, shows the plus, minus symbols repeated. I tried it with the Kadence theme and this error doesn’t show up.

    An image of what it looks like

    This is how the code looks on Blocksy:

    <div class="woofc-item-qty"><div class="woofc-item-qty-inner"><span class="woofc-item-qty-minus">-</span>	<div class="quantity" data-type="type-2">
    		<span class="ct-increase"></span><span class="ct-decrease"></span>		<label class="screen-reader-text" for="quantity_636bd673214ef">Blusa Flores cantidad</label>
    		<input type="number" id="quantity_636bd673214ef" class="input-text woofc-qty qty text" step="1" min="1" max="2" name="woofc_qty_dd8eb9f23fbd362da0e3f4e70b878c16" value="1" title="Cantidad" size="4" placeholder="" inputmode="numeric" autocomplete="off">
    	<span class="woofc-item-qty-plus">+</span></div></div>

    Here is the code on Kadence and working fine:

    <div class="woofc-item-qty"><div class="woofc-item-qty-inner"><span class="woofc-item-qty-minus">-</span>	<div class="quantity">
    				<label class="screen-reader-text" for="quantity_636bd8dd31c1e">Blusa cantidad</label>
    		<input type="number" id="quantity_636bd8dd31c1e" class="input-text woofc-qty qty text" step="1" min="1" max="" name="woofc_qty_c0c7c76d30bd3dcaefc96f40275bdc0a" value="1" title="Cantidad" size="4" placeholder="" inputmode="" autocomplete="off">
    	<span class="woofc-item-qty-plus">+</span></div></div>
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  • fakey


    Using Blocksy as well and it is broken, have you found a fix yet?

    I don’t know why the developer ignores this issue. It was driving me crazy also. Here’s a workaround I found out by testing. Use this CSS and the issue will be solved!

    #woofc-area .quantity[data-type=type-2] input[type=number] {
    –form-field-padding: none;
    #woofc-area .quantity[data-type=type-2] .ct-decrease {
    display: none;
    #woofc-area .quantity[data-type=type-2] .ct-increase {
    display: none;
    .woofc-item-qty-inner input {
    width: 100%;

    Thread Starter ondu


    I found another solution, disable the theme’s custom quantity input.
    The option is located in:
    Appearance > Customize
    Then look for Woocommerce section and there:
    General > Quantity input

    This way you don’t lose the option to add or remove products in the cart, it doesn’t look so pretty, but it’s not horrible, and it’s also functional.

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