• Hi!
    I’m using woocommerce 4.0 and my reviews tab is missing from all the single product pages. I have checked and double checked that all admin discussion setting are enabled, as well as the indivdual products- they all have sharing buttons and reviews enabled. I’ve also checked my screen options, reviews are checked.

    I’ve seen a couple other threads with the same problem, but no fix:/

    What would be wrong? I really need my sharing buttons!

    Thanks in advance!!

    PS: this is the page: https://wolfrikdesign.com
    And this is what my php for that section looks like: (including the product summary and the after-product).

    <div class="summary entry-summary">
    			 * woocommerce_single_product_summary hook
    			 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_title - 5
    			 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_rating - 10
    			 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_price - 10
    			 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_excerpt - 20
    			 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart - 30
    			 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_meta - 40
    			 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_sharing - 50
    			do_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary' );
    	</div><!-- .summary -->
    		 * woocommerce_after_single_product_summary hook
    		 * @hooked woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs - 10
    		 * @hooked woocommerce_upsell_display - 15
    		 * @hooked woocommerce_output_related_products - 20
    		do_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary' );
    	<meta itemprop="url" content="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" />
    </div><!-- #product-<?php the_ID(); ?> -->
    <?php do_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product' ); ?>


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  • Your theme is version I’ve downloaded the latest version, and I get the reviews tab OK. That’s 8 updates. Updating may not fix the problem but its a good place to start.

    Please post the url for a product which has a review already.

    Thread Starter Puckle


    Thanks Lorro! I know my theme is not updated, but if I do Il will lose all the changes I made. I edited the theme directly instead of using a child theme since I didn’t know how to do that….I did most of my editing directly in the css editor which I can do again, but I also modified some other files.

    Is there no other way to fix this?

    I don’t have a specific url to show a review because none of my products show the reviews tab. I’ve added one directly in the admin, when editing the product, and it doesn’t show up either.

    Might I do anything else? I’ve alo tried to install an external plugin for reviews, but it doesn’t show up either.

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter Puckle


    Hello Again –

    I tried updating my theme, even though I lost a lot of the modifications it didn’t do anything for my reviews tab. I’ve reverted now to the un-updated version to keep it looking as it was, my problem remain the same :/

    I also tried switching to the default theme, without any modifications, the reviews tab still isn’t there.


    Hope you have taken a backup.

    Consider making a child theme, there’s not much to it, and put your modifications in there. Then you are free to keep your theme updated. It may not be the cause today, but updates will contain other fixes. Child themes are best practice if you have several modifications.

    The next debug test for this problem is to deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce. If that solves the problem, reactivate your plugins one by one to try to identify the plugin that is causing the conflict.

    If the problem is still there after you have deactivated all other plugins, try to reduce your setup to the simplist, ie only WP, WC2.2 and TwentyFourteen. If it still doesn’t work, you probably have a corrupted or incomplete install of one of these. If so, resinstall these parts from fresh downloads. Then reintroduce the other elements, plugins, customisations one by one.

    If reinstalling WP, ensure you do not overwrite wp-config.php or the wp-content directory. See the instructions before doing this step.

    Thread Starter Puckle


    Hi Lorro!

    I’ve tried disabling all plugins and the same problem persists. I have now found, however, that the issue seems to be my products are only displaying three tabs. That is, if I add Product description, a visible attribute, and the default related products, the reviews tab disappears. If I only add product short description, which displays next to the image, the reviews do appear. I made a test product here:

    That one does display reviews.

    This one, on the other hand, has all three tabs:

    The reviews tab loads with the page (it’s visible for just a second) and then disappears.

    It seems to me that something in my theme is overriding, but if I switch to the default theme I have the exact same behavior.

    I’m terrified of reinstalling wordpress and losing my entire database/functionality, do you think that’s the only way to go?

    Thanks again,

    Hi Puckle ..

    > do you want to display your reviews to your single product ?
    > which section of your single product do you want to display the review tabs ?
    > there’s a way you can change the template of a single product layout. Edit the woocommerce single product template or duplicate the woocommerce template into your theme folder. have you tried this one ?
    > message me back if this is not fixed yet ..
    > I’ll se what i can do for you ..

    Thread Starter Puckle


    Hi master buldog!

    – I do want my reviews on my single product page
    – I want them displayed right after product description and sharing buttons (which I think go together)
    – I haven’t tried what you suggest, I have been trying to edit it from my theme functions.php;

    I have currently the following code:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_reorder_tabs', 98 );
    function woo_reorder_tabs( $tabs ) {
    	$tabs['reviews']['priority'] = 10;
    	$tabs['description']['priority'] = 5;
    	$tabs['additional_information']['priority'] = 15;	
    	return $tabs;

    If I change the priority to make the reviews first, the description (along with the sharing buttons). Also, if I add any additional information to the product, it trumps both reviews and description. Seems like only one tab can appear at at time…I’m thinking this is because my theme doesn’t actually allow for tabs (there no “switching” between them, instead they should appear as blocks, each tab above the other) But I have no clue where and how this is done in my theme ??
    I’m also looking into making a child theme to be bit on the safer side but I have messed up my store already once and am quite terrified of doing it again. I didn’t seem to be able to call my parent theme properly.

    Thanks master buldog! Hopefully you have a fix for me ??

    Its a while since I looked at tabs in a function, but as I recall the code should not assume that a particular tab exists. If a tab doesn’t exist for the current product, the code errors. So:

    if ( isset( $tabs['reviews'] ) ) {
      $tabs['reviews']['priority'] = 10;
    // other tabs similar

    Hi Puckle..

    Sorry for the late reply. I’m a bit busy this week. Here’s i have to share on your problem.

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_custom_product_tab' );
    function woo_custom_product_tab( $tabs ) {
    	//print_r( $tab );
    	$tabs[description][priority] = '1';
    	$tabs[additional_information][priority] = '2';
        $return_policy_tab = array( 'return_policy' => array(
        							'title' => __( 'Return Policy', 'woocommerce' ),
        							'priority' => 3,
        							'callback' => '_return_policy'
        $delivery_info_tab = array( 'delivery_info' => array(
        							'title' => __( 'Delivery Info', 'woocommerce' ),
        							'priority' => 4,
        							'callback' => '_delivery_info'
    	$tabs[reviews][priority] = '5';
        return array_merge( $return_policy_tab, $delivery_info_tab, $tabs );
    function _return_policy() {
    	echo '<div> Dummy text </div>';
    function _delivery_info() {
    	echo '<div> Dummy text </div>';

    Where your $return_policy_tab and $delivery_info_tab is another additional tabs. to change the tabs order, just change the priority. To see what’s the original priority of each tabs, you can use the print_r( $tab ); code. Just remove the comment ( // ) before print_r( $tab );

    Hope this can help. If not, try to content me in skype. Look for web developer green or give me your contacts where i can talk to you personally.

    You can also use loro’s code to check if the tabs is exist

    if ( isset( $tabs['reviews'] ) ) {
      $tabs['reviews']['priority'] = 10;
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