Missing translations
Hi, I see some missing translations (to French). For instance on the subscription page, are not translated :
@ Table (everything) :
> titles
– Subscription Date
– Subscription Email
– Subscription Status
> Content
– 27 Dec 2020 (month is probably using English)
– Unconfirmed@ Actions menu :
– “choose your action”
– “Unsubscribe”@ Back link : “Return to Post”
Would you consider adding your translations to the WordPress translation page, this could make our help much easier (I never used it yet) since it’s perfectly centralised.
This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
It seem also that on the comment form messages, the Cookies message is the only one which can’t be edited.
I would like for example to shorter it in french to fit better the comment box.Hi @tdechangy
The translations are handled by the WordPress plugin translation system at https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/subscribe-to-comments-reloaded
It’s handled by the community. If you could help out with the translations that would be great.
French is at only at 44% at the moment.
German is at 100%, I just tried it out and the text strings you mentioned are translated, so should be all fine with the code, the text strings should be available for translation.
Except for the cookie message, is that on the front-end, shown to the visitors? Can you send over the URL to your site, it should help me understand which text you are referring to.
All right, so put that link in your translation proposal in the description along your blog contact form. It would be far more productive.
I translated around 80% of the residual French translations.
1. Here is a partial screenshot https://share.getcloudapp.com/6quxbwN5 of :
some missing translations (to French). For instance on the subscription page, are not translated :
@ Table (everything) :
> titles
– Subscription Date
– Subscription Email
– Subscription Status
> Content
– 27 Dec 2020 (month is probably using English)
– Unconfirmed@ Actions menu :
– “choose your action”
– “Unsubscribe”@ Back link : “Return to Post”
2. The concerned notification message on the comment form than can’t be customised is :
Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire.NB: I replaced momentary the plugin with an older version and then went back to the actual one to see differences. It needed a reactivation each time since the plugin deactivated automatically. I hope that it couldn’t have broken any translations.
Additionally : Could you ask to WordPress to add a search field for their translations page ? It’s a pity that they don’t have this.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
Hi @tdechangy
All right, so put that link in your translation proposal in the description along your blog contact form. It would be far more productive.
Will do, thanks for pointing that out.
I translated around 80% of the residual French translations.
Thank you.
some missing translations (to French). For instance on the subscription page, are not translated :
I tried out the German translation and this is a screenshot of that table https://i.imgur.com/pAOfix3.png
Should be translatable. You can see those strings at https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/subscribe-to-comments-reloaded/dev/fr/default/?filters%5Bstatus%5D=untranslated&page=8.
And the months are on page 6.
Additionally : Could you ask to WordPress to add a search field for their translations page ? It’s a pity that they don’t have this.
It is indeed something that’s needed, I noticed that as well. As for asking them to add it, we’re unlikely to get an answer from them. We (as all the other plugin authors here) are just “random developers” who release free plugins and aren’t affiliated in any way with the actual WordPress team.
At the bottom there are links to “Export” and “Import” translations so tools like poEdit can be used for example to handle translations.
All right,
1. I’ll go ahead with the translations but something is strange here, your last link points to /dev/fr/… while the previous one went to /dev-readme/fr/… so what’s the difference and which should I translate now ? They have also different number of strings.2. I am well aware that WordPress is not much listening to its “community”, in the mean time, if you don’t say your thoughts they won’t pul it out of the blue any magic day. As developer you might at least have a contact point, eventually in the WordPress repo in last resort to open this (quite ridiculously essential) issue.
Hi @tdechangy
“dev-readme” is for the readme.txt file that’s shown as the plugin content/description on the plugin page at https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/subscribe-to-comments-reloaded/
“dev” is for the text from the plugin itself, the text shown on your site.
Turns out that it’s possible but we both missed it. Top left (just below the “Translation of Development” title), there’s “Filter”, clicking that opens up a form with various inputs you can use to filter/search thought it.
All right,
1/ can you clarify each type of translation collection pls and which should we address for the plugin and what to understand for the others :
Development Readme
Stable Readme
Waiting/fuzzy2/ Thanks for the tip ! As always the WordPress UI/UX is so outdated that it makes me cry each time. Could they take a couple minutes to change those Filter & Sort option as button styles to make them pop out a bit.
2.b/ note that I didn’t find the string “Choose your action”, and the single “unsubscribe” string was in “Stable” collection as seen @ https://share.getcloudapp.com/6quxbwN5. Can you point it out for me pls ?
… by the way I added a couple translations, so please confirm them all to allow us to download them.
Hi @tdechangy
The confirmation of the translations goes through the WordPress translation team, we don’t have the option to approve translations.
It has to go through their team, someone who speaks French checks it out, if it’s all good it gets approved.
Not sure how long they need to approve, but since it’s holidays now I assume they’re not working until Monday.
I see the “Unsubscribe” string in the development that was translated by you yesterday and set to “Se désabonner”. And the “Choose your actions” is also there set to “Choisir une action”
As for the different collections.
Waiting/fuzzy is all new translations that are waiting for approval. Don’t worry about that one. That’s for their team, once they review and approve the string it will be removed from that section.
Development README and Stable README are for the plugin description at www.ads-software.com/plugins/subscribe-to-comments-reloaded or to be more specific it’s for fr.www.ads-software.com/plugins/subscribe-to-comments-reloaded/ (the French version of www.ads-software.com).
Development and Stable are for the actual text that you see on your WordPress site.
I never actually translated anything, English is my second language and nobody cares about my native language, so mainly my contact with it was just making sure that the code in the plugins allows translations through translate.www.ads-software.com
Based on the documentation for translators translations should be made to the “Development” collection.
WordPress will load the translation that’s closest to 100%, either “Development” or “Stable”.
But I think there’s also a minimum limit, I think it won’t load translations that are less than 70% finished.
All right, but unlike you said, it seems that we might have to ask for translation confirmation as seen @ “Request a translation review” : https://make.www.ads-software.com/polyglots/handbook/translating/after-your-contribution/
> Also I didn’t see any notice about what you said :
WordPress will load the translation that’s closest to 100%, either “Development” or “Stable”.“But I think there’s also a minimum limit, I think it won’t load translations that are less than 70% finished.”
”– Here is the French (FR-fr) translation team : https://make.www.ads-software.com/polyglots/teams/?locale=fr_FR where some Slack profiles might be found.
– Where I asked for it @ https://fr.www.ads-software.com/team/
What a shitty WP experience just to ask for validation. I’m not even sure if I did things well.
Hi @tdechangy
At the moment, the Translation Editors (TEs) are not automatically notified when changes are made. The submitter may need to contact a TE and request a review through Polyglots P2, local community Slack workspace, or another method of the locale team’s choice So try to find out the preferred contact method by visiting the documentation provided by your locale team first.
I had no idea it works like that. I thought after a translation is made someone gets notified that it’s awaiting approval.
The list of users who can moderate the translations can be seen in the sidebar at translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/fr/default/wp-plugins/subscribe-to-comments-reloaded/
And as for the minimum 70% I mentioned, I was wrong, on that URL you sent it says the minimum is 90%. I guess the reason is to avoid too many mixed language strings showing up on one page.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
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