Missing translations or not used translations on translation page
I have now translated the plugin for formal german and reached 100%. However in the plugin settings there are still entries which are not translated.
E. g. The two check boxes where you can selected between not verfication and Independently verified are not translated at all on the page review reminders.
Also the text for short codes of the trust badges are not translated and I can not find the text.
[cusrev_trustbadge type="SL" border="yes" color="#FFFFFF"]
shortcode to display this badge on your site. If the shortcode includesborder
argument, you can set it toyes
to display or hide border. If the shortcode includescolor
argument, you can set it to a custom Farbe (in HEX format).On the page “review reminders” in the settings are also other text entries without translation.
Categories -> Choose categories…
Roles -> Choose user roles…
The translations for choose xyz are missing
The text: Would you like to be invited to review your order? Check here to receive a message from CusRev (an independent reviews service) with a review form.
is not translated but the translation is available on the translation page. includes/misc/class-cr-checkout.php:24 There are similar issues with the aggregated review forms (Formular-Header and Formular-Body)
Also text like “Ratings, Average review rating, Ratings distribution, Reviews, Reviews received, Review reminders, Reminder sending” on the status card on the reviews page are not translated.
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