• theheckler



    have just upgraded to 3.1 but am having the same problem as many others with the vanishing visual editor. So far I have tried removing the plugins one by one and switching on/off the “disable visual editor” option from user profile. What else can I try?

    am using version 3.1 on google chrome.


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  • kbarncat


    Replaced the wp-admin and includes from a fresh download.

    No dice.



    I also went to Twenty ten. I have to be very careful with that, because I did some customization of the theme – resizing the header field and changing fonts – nothing big. I stuck some stuff in the sidebars between the widget sections. I worried it was some of that that had messed things up. But after I’ve read what everybody else is saying, I’m fairly confident that none of my tweaks would have brought the universe down on all our heads.

    Point: switching to pure Twenty Ten did not solve the problem. I’m reading the link you sent me – but again, I’m doing all those things. What the heck is TinyMCE? Do I have it? Is it native? Clueless me.



    Okay. I see what the TinyMCE thing is. I keep reading it “Tiny Mice” and that gets in the way of my analytical thinking (any excuse will do).

    Yes. It would seem that something is weird with that BECAUSE the styling buttons ARE appearing, but only on the HTML editing screen – where, if I am recalling correctly, they usually do NOT show. I used them as I did my last entry, highlighting the text on the html side and hitting the button, and voila – the style code appeared. But on the Visual Editor side, all such buttons are gone. That does suggest that the java isn’t being read correctly for some reason. And there, my ability to parse it out comes to a dead halt.

    I’m too old for this.



    Did I also mention that the font has switched to white on the visual side? If you select the contents of the field, you can see the words there – but they are all html coded. It’s like the two editors tried to change personalities and got stuck in the middle. I have even THROWN AWAY the plug-ins I’d put in the folder and not used. Just in case.

    I have DONE IT ALL (pant pant) and still am defeated.



    Did I also mention that the font has switched to white on the visual side? If you select the contents of the field, you can see the words there – but they are all html coded.

    Yup, exactly the same for me too.

    This is all rather irritating isn’t it ??



    Try re-uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders from a fresh download of WordPress.



    I did that. Fresh, new, spanking clean.

    hig-yes. Tech shouldn’t have the power to disturb me like this.



    @kbarncat: Do you have any other WordPress sites on a different server? I’m beginning to wonder if this is a server-related issue.



    I’m hosted at Netfirms. I have about four sites there, but I really only have two that are active. My son just updated yesterday, and his is one of the active sites. I’m calling him now. – oops. Not home. Gotta go feed the horses. I’ll try updating one of the inactive sites and see what happens.



    Okay. Updated one of the inactive sites – same thing. White font. code. No style buttons. I’m using Safari and I’m on a Mac. I don’t think I said that before.



    Figured out how to fix it:

    Rename your wp-content/plugins folder to pluginsxxx or something like that.

    You should then be able to determine if your visual editor is working at all. This step allowed me to verify that the visual editor is working and in fact a plugin was the culprit.

    After you change the plugin folder back to the correct name, you must go through each plugin, EVEN THE INACTIVE ONES, and look for TinyMCE support. I found a plugin that was no longer active that utilized TinyMCE, that was causing the problem. Deleting the plugin (happened to be WP-super edit).

    Once I deleted, not just de-activated, this plugin, BOOM, the visual editor came back.

    Everything else is still fine.




    well, it’s still doing it for me on a fresh install with no extra plugins at all.


    Kind regards

    Dave Rich



    No extra plugins or no plugins?

    Inactive ones count too apparently…

    If you wanna let me get access to your Dashboard, I can poke around and see whats up…I KNOW how frustrating it was to have this issue, so i feel your pain ??




    I thought of the visual editor thing myself. It was already NOT selected because I’d been using the editor just fine for years. I tried selecting it, saving the change, then deselecting it and saving the change. Nothing. And the fact is that stuff IS showing up on the visual side – it’s just html coded and white. And that would not explain why the edit buttons are showing up on the html editor side.

    I had already been through all my plug-ins. I’ve done every conceivable thing that we’ve been advised to do, as I said above, including removing from the folder and from the server all un-used plug-ins. It has made no difference. All the proposed fixes have not allowed visual editor to come back on line.

    Still white. Still no buttons. Still html coded.



    Thanks for the offer J but I’ve installed that other visual editor now and have tinkered with it enough that i think the client will get their head around it (i.e, simplified it right down) – although it doesn’t work as well as the tiny editor.

    Just thinking though,- I installed wordpress via an app from 123-regs hosting and then it upgraded to the latest version from whatever version that was. I’m wondering is this an upgrading issue – something getting missed or conflicted? All my other sites are behaving the same ??

    The current plugins on this site I’m working on are – Askimet, Deans FSKeditor and Fast Secure contact form. That’s it. nothing else even installed,- and I only installed the FSKeditor because it was doing this odd behaviour.

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