• theheckler



    have just upgraded to 3.1 but am having the same problem as many others with the vanishing visual editor. So far I have tried removing the plugins one by one and switching on/off the “disable visual editor” option from user profile. What else can I try?

    am using version 3.1 on google chrome.


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  • kbarncat



    Under the list of “defines” at the top? Put it in. Saved the change, cleared the cache.




    Like I said will work for some and not others, but also VERY IMPORTANT there are no gaps in the code. So that there is something on every line in the config. Even if it is just the * part.

    Once I deleted all lines that were blank and put the define code in, visual editor is back.

    But every site is different. Nevertheless it will be a code issue and most likely in the config file. You just need to find it if this one does not work



    Mine problem was plugin related for sure, so can’t say its CODE only…anyways plugins are just extensions of the WordPress CODE, so not sure what you’re talking about there

    An inactive plugin that utilized the TinyMCE, created the issue. When this INACTIVE plugin was deleted, the problem went away and the visual editor re-appeared…




    I hope you are problem is solved. Just as mentioned by kbarncat, my code is identical but I wrote a little bit of code to by pass so many steps to return the required value to get Visual Editor enabled. Of course my problem was that my editor was fully disappeared.


    About your issue unfortunately I don’t see it in my WP 3.1. It is working perfectly including visual editor after my fix. I wish I could help you all guys. I myself is a programmer and for me to fix I need to know the exact behavior and I should be able to recreate it in my installation to debug. Sorry all I couldn’t help you all much.



    Now, here’s another question (and I HATE that this thread has gone so quiet) –

    Why is it that when I am answering comments, I have all the buttons, and there’s no encoding in the field? How are the comments different from the post visual field? Is there not a visual editor at work there, too?



    My site (3.1) did the same thing to me. The additional define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); did nothing for me.

    I renamed the plugins directory to an different name and then the visual editor worked. Renamed the plugins back to the right name and deactivated every plugin and the visual editor worked fine. Added all the plugins back in and it still works fine for me.

    I then reset my browser cache (FireFox 3.6.15), restarted FireFox and the visual browser was still working.

    This thread has gone silent, but I still have the problem. Does this mean that nobody is working on it? Am I just on my own here? Sorry I ever downloaded the update?

    Esmi – I’m on a Linux server. Does that help?

    Thanks guys. I had the same problem and just now solved it by removing plugins. It was one of the slideshow plugins giving me the problem. Wish I could tell you which one exactly.

    I deactivated “Slideshow Gallery 2” and that fixed the problem for me.

    Under ‘wp-includes’ directory open ‘general_templates.php’. Look for ‘function user_can_richedit()’ and replace the whole function with following code. I think the line numbers will be somewhere from 1734 to 1750

    Cubosystems, thank you very much for looking into the code! For me, this was the fix that brought back the visual editor. All the other suggested fixes had no effect (concatenate, wp re-upload, disabling plugins etc).

    ..or well, at least it fixed the visual editor for the super admin ??

    I have fixed it by doing the following:

    1) Go to phpmyadmin (or where ever you manage your databases).
    2) Select table wp_options (if wp_ is your prefix).
    3) Find the row with option_name = siteurl

    In my case I host the webpage at a local server and I save the siteurl as a relative path. This means no IP, just /myBlog. I tried to change this to an absolute path, in my case and woopti, it works!

    It is weird though, because IE on a Windows machine was able to render the Visual box, but neither FF, Chrome or Safari on either Mac nor Windows were able to do that. Strange, but now it works.

    Hope someone could use this.


    None of these “HACKS” works for me. We have about 9 blogs on this same server and all of them work fine after the 3.1.1 upgrade except one. It would be nice if WordPress would acknowledge this bug and immediately fix the issue rather than everyone having to resort to “HACK” fixes.

    But here’s the thing. WordPress isn’t some company with a paid staff. At least, it didn’t used to be. I think it’s open source – which kind of means that the people who are writing it are doing it for love and fascination rather than as their day job. So I’m not sure there’s any one person to acknowledge the bug. And maybe it’s so deep, everyone is shying away from the problem. I know that life is extremely weird for us, personally right now – with the chaos in the news and family tragedies and the economy – just trying to make the bills can keep you awake. So maybe they’re working as fast and hard as they can.

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