• Hi,

    i only want to say, that i wish me for the forum the following things (hope this is the right sub-forum for this thread):

    – when i will help other members, i would like to have an advanced search for threads (example: i will only find unsolved threads for the last 2 weeks in a special theme)

    – i think, the people must be reminded to mark the thread as solved, when it will be solved – it will help other people to see, if the title/content of the thread can help you and if its solved

    that’s all for first. happy new year

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  • i would like to have an advanced search for threads

    Oh – you and about a thousand other forum regulars. ?? Seriously, we’d all love better search options and a way to monitor topics that we’ve been involved in. But although it’s on the Wish List, I don’t see it happening any time soon. For now, I monitor topics via my profile and use Firefox’s Ctrl+F function to highlight all those with recent responses.

    i think, the people must be reminded to mark the thread as solved, when it will be solved

    At the foot of each new post box, there’s a checkbox with the label “Mark this topic as resolved”. That’s a fairly new addition and we have seen a significant rise in topic resolution as a result of it. But it’s still far from 100%. Not sure what else we can do about it.

    i think, the people must be reminded to mark the thread as solved, when it will be solved

    At the foot of each new post box, there’s a checkbox with the label “Mark this topic as resolved”. That’s a fairly new addition and we have seen a significant rise in topic resolution as a result of it. But it’s still far from 100%. Not sure what else we can do about it.

    You can have a nightly batch process that sends an email reminder that their thread will be marked expired and closed on all posts older than X days then add an extension button or checkbox to extend the topic.

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