Mixed content blocked, https protected admin area, v2.4
I have posted a request on this topic quite some time ago
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/mixed-content-blocked-https-protected-admin-area?replies=5The issue persists also in version 2.4 of the plugin.
I made several changes to the code and posted it back to the original author, hopefully it can be included in a future version.
One challenge is that the plugin loads code from external servers, like maps.googlecom, openstreetmap.org and openlayers.org.
Some content can be included via https, but some not, as those sites only work via http and not https.
However the code from openlayers is Open Source. Therefor it should be totally legal to download the code form there (they provide instructions how to include it on your website!)Change Log for people with php knowledge to try themselves:
1) in osm.php, starting line 78, replace the definitions with this:
if ( ! defined( 'OSMWP_CONTENT_URL' ) )<br /> define( 'OSMWP_CONTENT_URL', site_url() . '/wp-content' );<br /> if ( ! defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) )<br /> define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content' );<br /> if ( ! defined( 'OSMWP_PLUGIN_URL' ) )<br /> define( 'OSMWP_PLUGIN_URL', OSMWP_CONTENT_URL. '/plugins' );<br /> if ( ! defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR' ) )<br /> define( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins' );<br /> define ("OSM_PLUGIN_URL", OSMWP_PLUGIN_URL."/osm/");<br /> define ("OSM_PLUGIN_ICONS_URL", OSM_PLUGIN_URL."icons/");<br /> define ("URL_POST_MARKER", OSM_PLUGIN_URL.POST_MARKER_PNG);<br /> define ("OSM_PLUGIN_THEMES_URL", OSM_PLUGIN_URL."themes/");<br /> define( 'OSM_OPENLAYERS_THEMES_URL', OSMWP_CONTENT_URL. '/uploads/osm/theme/' );<br /> define ("OSM_PLUGIN_JS_URL", OSM_PLUGIN_URL."js/");
2) create osm-config.php (from the sample that is included in the plugin)
define ("Osm_LoadLibraryMode", SERVER_EMBEDDED);<br /> define ("Osm_OSM_LibraryLocation", 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/openlayers/OpenStreetMap.js');<br /> define ("Osm_OL_LibraryPath", OSM_PLUGIN_URL.'openlayers_2-12/');<br /> define ("Osm_OL_LibraryLocation", OSM_PLUGIN_URL.'openlayers_2-12/OpenLayers.js');<br /> define ("Osm_GOOGLE_LibraryLocation", 'https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false');<br /> // OpenSeaMap scripts<br /> define ("Osm_harbours_LibraryLocation", OSM_PLUGIN_URL.'openseamap/harbours.js');<br /> define ("Osm_map_utils_LibraryLocation", OSM_PLUGIN_URL.'openseamap/map_utils.js');<br /> define ("Osm_utilities_LibraryLocation", OSM_PLUGIN_URL.'openseamap/utilities.js');<br /> define ("Osm_openweather_LibraryLocation", OSM_PLUGIN_URL.'openweathermap/OWM.OpenLayers.1.3.4.js');
3) change line 140 in osm-options.php
<li><?php _e('choose your maptype with this icon ','OSM-plugin') ?><img src="<?php echo Osm_OL_LibraryPath ?>img/layer-switcher-maximize.png" alt="map type icon"> <?php _e('in the map (google maps will have a license pop up in yor post/page)','OSM-plugin') ?></li>
4) Download OpenLayers https://openlayers.org/download/
The plugin is hardcoded to use version 2.12… but you can also try with the latest version. The download package includes instructions about what you really need on the web-server (the readme). see the osm-config.php for sub-directory to create and upload the files (you may change osm-config.php to update the directory name.5) Optional … fetch the openseamap js files … if you need openseamap at all.
This is not a totally complete step-by-step-guide. Please only do this, if you know php and can fill the “obvious steps” that are not listed above yourself ??
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