Did you somehow edited the default content//default string?
If so, you need to know that any change of the original string will invalidate the front-end translation as they are directional.
This is how our plugin works because we save each translation in the database. Every string has a corresponding translation. If you change the original string, basically, you create a new string that will need to be translated.
To facilitate translation retrieval we implemented the Translation Memory* feature.
For example, if you have a string in your default language that is translated and you go in and modify that string, the translations for it won’t appear anymore at the front-end level but will continue to exist in wp_trp_* tables from your database. After, if you go to the translation interface and select that string, the Translation Memory feature will show you translation suggestions for that string (based on other strings that you have translated, even the ones which don’t appear anymore in the front-end; so most likely, you will see the older translation as the first suggestion).
*The translation memory is approximate, based on what strings are in the database. It’s possible sometimes that doesn’t work 100%.
Since then, we improved the transition memory feature. Please, have a look at our documentation:?https://translatepress.com/docs/automatic-translation-memory/.
Now, if the original string is changed (the similarity between the first string and the edited one needs to be at least a percentage of 95%) the same translation will be served automatically without requiring manual touch.
However, this will not work for the translation blocks (strings merged using the green pencil tool).
A solution to redo the translations automatically, will be to activate the atuoamtci translating feature. It requires a Google API Key in order to work. The fees for the API usage are not covered by us.
Kind Regards,