A couple things I noticed about the design:
The first issue I have is with your background. Because the lines are so thin and the contrast so extreme, it causes a flicker every time I scroll up or down. It can be a bit distracting. So, keep the idea, but maybe either space them out a bit or dull the contrast some.
The second thing would be the table on the right hand side. I’m not someone who is 100% tables, and you’ve used it in the right manner. However, maybe add some style to it to match the rest of the design? Your navigation uses flat, faint colours. Maybe look at those for your borders and cell background colours? Also a bit of padding would make it seem not so cramped.
The last thing I want to mention is the border around your RSS Feed Icon. Just do an img {border: none} in your css, and that will take care of it.
Otherwise, I love the collage feel of the header, the clean grid layout. It’s a nice design!