If the theme developer didn’t reply to your thread, you could try contacting them at their own site, but it could be the case that the theme is no longer supported.
When I deactivated WPTouch the issue disappeared. Thank you so much.
Excellent, glad this issue is sorted ??
For the footer credits, it looks like the footer.php file in theme might have been edited directly. Please:
- Try going to Appearance > Editor
- Select the Convac Lite theme from the drop-down menu on the right of the screen
- Select the footer.php from the template files
- Check if the text and HTML you wish to change is there
If the link you wish to edit is there, there are a 3 methods you can use to change it, depending on your preference.
Method 1: The simplest option is to directly edit the text, then click the save button. Editing core files like this isn’t usually recommended because if the developer updates the theme, edits made to core files will be overwritten.
However, this theme hasn’t been updated in over 2 years, so it might be the case that the theme won’t be updated in future. You can choose this option, but there is a small risk.
Method 2: The generally recommended method is to create a child theme to replace the footer.php with your own edited version that contains your custom link. This requires some technical knowledge of PHP.
Method 3: A plugin can be used to search for the link/HTML you wish to change, which can then be replaced:
Thank you so much again and have a lovely weekend.
You’re welcome, I hope you enjoy your weekend ??