• Resolved bigrsh


    I have been able to get the desktop version of my site looking like I wanted in regards to the Header. On my mobile phone the header is way too tall. It takes up about 40% of my browser window. I have resized my header background image to 1078 X 240. Is there some css I can use to shorten the header height?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • You have the following code in your custom CSS

    .site-header{padding-top:0.2em;padding-bottom:0;height:295px !important}

    This is also applying to the mobile version of the site. To fix this, we can target any screen widths larger than 568px wide with the following CSS instead

    @media screen and ( min-width: 568px ) { .site-header{padding-top:0.2em;padding-bottom:0;height:295px !important} }
    Thread Starter bigrsh


    Thank you sir. That totally fixed my problem. Your help is very much appreciated.

    Hi Bigrsh!

    I have the same problem with the header on mobile and tablet? Can you help me too?
    My website is https://www.goshopia.com

    Hi @gallegoara, what issue are you seeing exactly? Looking at the mobile version of your site the header looks normal to me.

    If you have a different kind of issue or more complex, please create your own thread here:



    Hi Jarret!
    It takes a lot of space. Check on tablet to see what I mean. Half of the screen goes to the header.

    Thanks a lot for your help Jarret!

    @gallegoara you have the following set in your custom CSS

    .site-header {
         height: 28%;

    What exactly were you trying to target with that code?

    It also looks like possibly Elementor has added 382px of padding to the top of the site causing such a large empty space under the header at certain browser widths.

    If you can create a new thread using the link I provided in my first response to you, I can try to help further. Otherwise, the initial thread creator keeps getting an email each time a reply is made here.

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