Mobile Header Image Doesn’t Resize/Unresponsive
Hi everyone,
The theme seems to not be responsive when on my mobile? The header image goes off the screen and doesn’t scaledown. Does anyone have a css fix for this?
Thank you for your time,
Loving the new theme!! Hoping to hear an answer on scaling header for mobile as well!
I’m having the same issue with the main site header not resizing / being responsive. When my site is set up as static page, but the other header images of linked pages as static page content, are responsive.
The site typically has a video header, but uses a static image as fallback while the video loads or for low bandwidth devices, such as mobile.
My site is
Yes sorry, forgot to say that my site is
@timmcke, The image is responsive but it resorts to cropping-to-center on mobile. This is a common technique to avoid a small header image and a large gap beneath the image as it proportionately resizes. Either the image is cropped or the image is resized small with a gap beneath it.
If you want the resized image & gap technique, try the following.
If you’re not using a Child Theme, and if the theme doesn’t have a section for CSS modifications then do the following:- Install this Custom CSS Manager plugin
- use its “CSS Code” section of the dashboard to hold your CSS modifications:
(put this code in)
@media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .has-header-image .custom-header-media img, .has-header-video .custom-header-media video, .has-header-video .custom-header-media iframe, .has-header-image:not(.twentyseventeen-front-page):not(.home) .custom-header-media img { height: auto; left: 0; max-width: 100%; min-height: 0; -o-object-fit: unset; object-fit: unset; position: relative; -ms-transform: none; -moz-transform: none; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } }
- Save
Alternatively use your Child Theme style.css file to hold your CSS modifications
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Andrew Nevins.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Andrew Nevins.
@clancychem, Please open a new thread to discuss your different issue:
If you want the resized image without a gap you’re going to have to consider reshuffling the markup, CSS and potentially introducing some new JS to the page. It’s a lot of effort for what might be little reward.
I agree with the decision of the theme developers to crop the image, they have thought about the cleanest solution for the users.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Andrew Nevins.
@timmcke, Another way around it would be to change the theme design on mobile so that the title does not sit on top of the image. It would produce this result: – Is that what you want?
You can achieve that by using this CSS instead:
@media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .has-header-image.twentyseventeen-front-page .site-branding, .has-header-video.twentyseventeen-front-page .site-branding, .site-branding, .site-branding, .has-header-image.twentyseventeen-front-page .custom-header, .has-header-video.twentyseventeen-front-page .custom-header, .custom-header, .custom-header { height: auto; left: 0; max-width: 100%; min-height: 0; -o-object-fit: unset; object-fit: unset; position: relative; -ms-transform: none; -moz-transform: none; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } .has-header-image.twentyseventeen-front-page .site-branding, .has-header-video.twentyseventeen-front-page .site-branding, .site-branding, .site-branding, .custom-header-media, .has-header-image .custom-header-media img, .has-header-video .custom-header-media video, .has-header-video .custom-header-media iframe { position: static; } .custom-header-media:before { background: none; } body.has-header-image .site-description, body.has-header-video .site-description { color: #222; opacity: 1; } .site-branding .wrap { padding: 0 1em; } }
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Andrew Nevins.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Andrew Nevins.
@anevins Thank you very much for your assistance!
Hello here from Holland, I am facing the Same seizing problems with Twente Seventeen (test enviroment ), but when I only use the menu navigation in Stead of scrolling The seizing is OK! In my case I have NO problems with the iPhone and macbook, only with the iPad Air2 and iPad mini..
@sleutelplein, You must create your own thread to discuss your own problems:
Second option worked perfectly for me… Thank you!
Or you can try this if you want .site-branding over your Header
@media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .has-header-image .custom-header-media img, .has-header-video .custom-header-media video, .has-header-video .custom-header-media iframe, .has-header-image:not(.twentyseventeen-front-page):not(.home) .custom-header-media img .site-branding { position: absolute; } { height: auto; left: 0; max-width: 100%; min-height: 0; -o-object-fit: unset; object-fit: unset; position: relative; -ms-transform: none; -moz-transform: none; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } }
Thanks does not work en now my “in between” images have become smaller in the iPhone vertical.
I use now this similar CSS but still no correct view of header image..has-header-image .custom-header-media img, .has-header-video .custom-header-media video, .has-header-video .custom-header-media iframe,
.has-header-image:not(.twentyseventeen-front-page):not(.home) .custom-header-media img {
height: auto;
left: 0;
max-width: 100%;
min-height: 0;
-o-object-fit: unset;
object-fit: unset;
position: relative;
-ms-transform: none;
-moz-transform: none;
-webkit-transform: none;
transform: none;
}After instelling the css frikkadello I have a new Problem after removing all css content, that layout Headerview on handy is larger then the pages.
gap between Haeder and pages
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