Thank you for contacting WP Travel team!
Please find answers regarding your queries point-wise given below:
Query1: One issue i found is here: https://atvtourscostarica.com/itinerary/
When you click from mobile the filter by button, its not working properly because it opens horizontally and not vertical like your demo.
This happen to mobile only!
Response: Actually, the issue you have reported has been raised due to the incompatibility of the WP Travel plugin with the theme you have used.
Also, worry not, we do have a solution for you so, please add the following given CSS code in the Additional CSS section by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.wp-travel-toolbar {
justify-content: flex-start;
.wp-travel-toolbar .wp-travel-post-filter {
flex-wrap: wrap;
.wp-travel-toolbar .wp_travel_input_filters {
width: 100%;
@media (min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1399px) {
.wp-travel-toolbar .wp-toolbar-right {
position: relative;
Query2: Also on same page under the header title there is a text with description word. How this can go away?
Response: If you are willing to remove the description from the itinerary page, please add the following given CSS code in the Additional CSS section by going to Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
.archive .taxonomy-description {
display: none;
If you have any queries further, feel free to contact us.