• Hi! Since the new update I have problems on mobile. The glossary is displayed correctly, but when clicking on a glossary link the glossary page won’t open. Only the tooltip is shown. The problem exists only when visiting the page on my mobile device. On my desktop PC everything works fine.

    ### Begin System Info ###
                ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##
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                ### End System Info ###

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I have this problem too.
    Is there a solution?

    Thread Starter seoulm


    Well, I have been waiting over two weeks for a reply. No solution for the problem yet. Well, the Glossary Plugin does no longer work properly and does not do what it is meant for correctly. Oviously in addition no one cares… It’s a very bad tactic to get people to upgrade to get a working plugin.

    Plugin Author CreativeMindsSolutions



    I’m sorry for the late reply and that you feel pushed to upgrade to get working plugin. The issue with the mobile link should be fixed with the last reply in version 3.9.21 (it worked on the testing server).

    I’ve checked the glossary links on your site (bottom) and they do open on desktop and on mobile.

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