• It doesn’t work on mobile devices. On desktop / laptop everything is fine (click opens the custom link), on tablet / phone clicking on images opens the image.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author David G


    Hi @aolaru – Random Gallery doesn’t really have the capability to do anything differently on desktop vs mobile. I think the issue may be caused by your theme. Can you please share your random-gallery shortcode?

    Thread Starter aolaru


    Plugin Author David G


    Hi @aolaru – I would need to see your shortcode. It should look very similar to this: [random-gallery ids='101,102,103,104,105' shownum='3']

    Thread Starter aolaru


    The shortcode:

    [random-gallery ids=’19725,19749,19773,19743,19741,19761,19737,19733,19702,19682,19686,19688,19692,19667,19641,19661,19659,19649,19645,19723,19767,19757,19779,19729′ shownum=’12’ columns=’4′ size=’thumbnail’ link=’file’]

    Thread Starter aolaru


    Any news on this?

    Thread Starter aolaru


    Again: any news?

    Plugin Author David G


    Your shortcode looks fine. Since it works on desktop, the issue is most likely an issue with your theme.

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