Hello @pyro2509
I am sorry about the issue you are experiencing and I am happy to assist you with this.
I’ve checked your website and I can confirm that in the mobile version when clicking Mortage no dropdown menu is showing.
I’ve tried to bypass the cache but the issue was still there.
After you disabled minify in Performance>General settings, have you saved the settings and purged the cache? In not, disable minify in Perfirmance>General settings, save all settings, and purge the cache and see if the issue persists.
If the issue is gone, re-enable minify, and disable the settings in Performance>minify one by one (HTML minify, JS minify, CSS minify) and see which one might be causing the issue.
Make sure to save all settings and purge the cache after each option is disabled.
If none of the above is working try disabling W3 Total cache temporarily and see if the issue is still there.