Hi there,
1) The mobile menu shows the first menu option then like this: About…. Is there a way to have the more typical hamburger menu design instead?
You would probably be able to do that if you create a child theme and modify the files that control how the menu on mobile works. I’m not able to help you with those types of changes, though, so you might need to hire a developer to help with that if you’re not able to make this type of change yourself.
2) I see in the theme description that we can use Font Awesome icons. When I use the <i class=”fa fa-phone”></i> in HTML for a page, the icon does not show up. Do you have a solution for that?
Are you using the block editor or classic? It looks like there’s two issues here:
First, there’s a bug with the Classic editor that causes the Font Awesome code to get stripped out, as the editor doesn’t like empty i
tags. There’s an open bug report for that in https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/28940
It looks like the current workaround is to add an empty HTML comment inside the i
tags, like <i class="fab fa-accessible-icon"><!-- comment --></i>
Adding the code in a HTML or paragraph block in the block editor that doesn’t happen.
But it also appears that Font Awesome has upgraded to a brand new version. Pique is still using version 4.7 of FA, so the new icon code from version 5 won’t work in the theme.
I’ll report this to our developers so they can look into updating the theme. In the meantime you might want to try using a Font Awesome plugin instead.
3) When the site opens the menu overlaps with the entry content and then the screen flashes and the two pieces separate. Is there a way to prevent that?
I don’t see any overlap between the menu and content on my test site. Can you please provide a link to the post/page on your site where this is happening, and/or provide more detailed instructions how to replicate the issue, including the browser and device/screen size where you’re seeing this?