Mobile Site Font Size and Spacing Issues
Thanks to people on this forum, my website is almost done, and looking way better than I could have expected when I started this process. I do have a few remaining questions regarding some mobile awkwardness I’m having, though.
I don’t have a tablet, but when I look at the tablet screen you can see in the customizer, and when I look at my phone, I have the impression that the font size is either too big, the spacing between lines in too wide, or both. Is there a way to set your font with a different size and/or line spacing for mobile versus computer screens? Is there some media query that addresses this issue?
I’m also having a problem with a picture on my Home screen when I see it on the tablet display. I created two columns, one at 1/3 width for the picture, and one at 2/3 width for the text. I think it looks good on a computer screen as it is now, and I think it centers itself well on my phone at the moment, but on the tablet screen the picture and the text press against each-other without a buffer. (Additionally, the text looks awkwardly too long in this part, but that might be fixed if I can figure out about the font size/spacing.) I’ve messed around with the padding on my columns, but I can’t find anything that works for all screens. Is there a way to center the picture so it stays centered no matter what kind of screen it shows up on? I feel like this might allow some buffer between the picture and text under all circumstances, but I’m not sure.
Finally, thanks to Kathryn (@zoonini) on this site, I used media queries in a few different places to make my site work on mobile. There is one place, though, on my Payment page, where two payment buttons stack right on top of each other on mobile, and I’m not sure how to create a little bit of space between then without messing up how it looks on a computer screen. Any thoughts on this?
I’m sorry for so many questions, but I really think after this I’ll be able to leave you all alone for a while! I sincerely appreciate all the help I’ve received so far, and any more that comes in the future. Thanks again!
Here is my site:
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