This is Aj the plugin developer. I’m glad you like it !
So, the plugin only accepts a single value by default to keep things slim. A “responsive” field would require a custom customizer control type, javascript and more complex/bigger inline CSS for the frontend.
There are ways of creating “responsive” text with a single field though and it’s generally better practice to do things in such manners.
The two most common ways would be:
- Using Em values. If you use an em font size for the notification bar it’s font size (e.g. 1.5em) then it will be based on your body font size. Then you can adjust your body font size at different breakpoints to be bigger/smaller and your notification bar will adjust accordingly and be consistent with your body font.
- Using modern CSS to create a responsive font size using the Clamp CSS function. This way you can add a single value and the font size will adapt automatically based on the screen size.
ps: The OceanWP was originally just a “hacked” up version of my premium Total WordPress theme (which is my livelihood) by a non-developer that took my original code and re-sold it (in fact he even stole the documentation and put it on his site). We did get him to change some of the code (he just took it from other products) creating a weird “Frankenstein” type theme with code copied from all sorts of other products.
I know the theme is now under new management and has been tweaked a bit. I also believe it now works primarily with Elementor (since it’s free), instead of WPBakery, which is what Total is primarily coded for.
Hopefully the people in charge of the theme now actually know what they are doing and properly maintain and support it.
Sorry for the rant, whenever I hear of “OceanWP” it really upsets me. I spent so many years creating, updating and supporting a product that someone just copied and gave away for free and monetized it ??
Luckily I do still have a wonderful community of customers and that keeps me going ??