• Resolved jhaber31


    I hate to ask a matter of opinion or, conversely, what may be obvious. Here goes. I use WordPress for a blog on my home page. Its design is based on my site’s older html pages, an archive of long, not very blog-like articles. That started almost 30 years ago, so naturally it’s built around a laptop user’s view.

    That means I have never had a version of the design for mobile users. Should I? To my eyes, the type looks way small on a phone, and a single column in such a mobile version but not in the laptop version (where the second column has not content but only a graphic menu) would be better as well. Am I right, or is it not worth the effort?

    Naturally I’d have a learning curve, but in creating the new design and implementing it so that mobile users and only mobile users are sent to it. I’d probably need help with questions. But life is for learning.

    • This topic was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by jhaber31.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Most folks, who visit sites for enjoyment these days will be doing it from their mobile devices, over half in my experience.

    Check your site on a mobile device, and if that text isn’t filling at least 80% of the device’s width (without having to manually zoom), then I recommend a new theme entirely.

    All block themes are responsive, meaning they will adapt to any screen size and put your content front and center, no separate mobile version needed: https://www.ads-software.com/themes/tags/full-site-editing/

    Thread Starter jhaber31


    Apologies. I wasn’t clear. First, I am well aware that most people rely on their phones now. I did wonder whether it was worth changing my existing style accordingly. A close friend finds it legible as is, but I sure do not.

    Second, I’m aware that, if I make a transition, it need not entail a second css. As I understand it, one can, say, place a media query within the css, to adjust elements, making it a responsive style, and not in the html header to call up a media-specific css. (As it happens, many of my site’s headers link to a second style sheet for printing, no doubt unncessary but it works, and I did my work so many years ago that I’ve forgotten how it knows to go with printing.)

    Third, alas, I’ll still have a serious learning curve and some tough decisions. For instance, while I’d probably suppress the sidebar to make more space, I’d lose the feature to search my site by artist name, unless I added it somewhere in the remaining column. I’d also need help with technical details. (Say, where to place the media query, what font size to specify, whether to suppress a column with display: none, a width of 0, or something else.)

    Last, while free themes from WordPress may already be site-responsive, it’s not just that I’d have to test them. (And honestly, I do know that such themes exist, for goodness sake!) It’s also that I really need to work with my own style. It adjusts to my content choices and to an appearance that goes with content about contemporary artists and art history. If I go with one of those Hallmark images in the free themes, my readers would gag. Your link only shows me the bad choices.

    Moderator James Huff


    A close friend finds it legible as is, but I sure do not.

    I always say to go with what you want, because while other people will be using your site, you’re the one who has to live with it.

    As I understand it, one can, say, place a media query within the css, to adjust elements, making it a responsive style, and not in the html header to call up a media-specific css.

    You can certainly do that. It’s a significant amount of work though. I usually recommend starting over with a free theme you like. But, if you want to learn how to write media queries, it’s a great opportunity to learn.

    while I’d probably suppress the sidebar to make more space, I’d lose the feature to search my site by artist name, unless I added it somewhere in the remaining column.

    The most common easy option is to just relocate the whole sidebar to the bottom below the content

    But, the most common slightly-more-complicated option is to place the sidebar below a button that expands and collapses the sidebar over the content. You can see that behavior in the Bj?rk theme: https://bjork.andersnoren.se

    It’s also that I really need to work with my own style.

    Block themes use the new Site Editor, meaning that how you can modify a theme is now almost limitless without even having to touch CSS: https://www.ads-software.com/documentation/article/site-editor/

    There’s also a video tutorial https://learn.www.ads-software.com/tutorial/intro-to-the-site-editor-and-template-editor/ and a full course https://learn.www.ads-software.com/course/simple-site-design-with-full-site-editing/ if you prefer those styles.

    In particular, the new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Four, ships with a ton of pre-done templates to get you even closer to what you want before you start customizing it: https://www.ads-software.com/documentation/article/twenty-twenty-four/

    I’d have to test them

    Instead of testing these themes on your site, I recommend testing them in a playground: https://www.ads-software.com/playground/

    Explore some of the popular ones, I recommend trying Twenty Twenty-Four for sure, and see what you can get before you discard them on preview images alone. ??

    Thread Starter jhaber31


    Thanks. We’ll see how it goes. FWIW, my WordPress theme started with a WordPress “classic theme,” but I had freelance help with it, so I never did get to learn how to work with appearances in WordPress. The bulk of my site, the static html pages, go back longer and were my own css, much as I’ve forgotten half of how I did it.

    Moderator bcworkz


    The minimum recommended mobile font size is 16px. The body text on one of your static .htm pages is very close, 15.52px. I think the reason the text appears so small on mobile is your .htm pages lack a viewport meta tag telling mobile browsers how to display your pages. A typical meta tag is:
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

    If you added this to your .htm pages, the text should appear larger; however, viewing your pages on mobile may require side scrolling. Most users will find side scrolling more annoying than needing to pinch zoom small text. So more effort will still be needed to make such pages mobile responsive without any need to side scroll or pinch zoom. Only you can decide if it’s worth the effort for old content.

    IMO, it’s not the best idea to force your newer WP content to match the style of something from 30 years ago. I personally would prefer my site to have a more modern look. I don’t have objection to an archive area that has a very different style than my newer content. But it’s your site, do what you think is best for both you and your visitors.

    Thread Starter jhaber31


    That’s really helpful, thanks. I’d seen online recommendations for 16 pt type (which was startling for me, so used to 11.5 pt in MS Word) and how to begin with viewport. I could even, then, allow the text column to grow.

    But no question I’ll have to address the issue of screen width, and it’s good advice to consider a more modern look. Thanks for looking at the site as well. (Right now I’m swamped, but hope to get back to this soon.)

    Moderator bcworkz


    Note that 16pt and 16px are two very different sizes. I believe 16px works out to only 10 or 12pt type on most displays. Google recommends 16px minimum font size for mobiles.

    Thread Starter jhaber31


    Oops! That’s sure stupid of me after a lifetime in publishing and all these years online. My eyesight is losing ground, but that’s no excuse!

    Oh, while I have you, may I ask where in my stylesheet the viewport statement goes? Of course, currently the stylesheet governs everything, including views from all media.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by jhaber31.
    Moderator bcworkz


    Viewport meta tags belong in the <head> section of your .htm file, not the stylesheet. It’s usually very early in the section, right after the charset declaration.

    Oh wait, your .htm doesn’t exactly have that either! Your .htm format is a little outdated, little surprise. While still valid, newer HTML starts out like this:

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en-US" >
    	<meta charset="UTF-8" />
    	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    	<title>Your Title</title>

    You don’t need a content type tag this way. You can keep the ISO-8859-1 charset if necessary, but UTF-8 is preferable and should be compatible with ISO-8859-1 content.

    Thread Starter jhaber31


    Thank you so much. That was interesting and clear, and I appreciate your taking the time to look at my html. Somehow it never occurred to me to worry about whether versions have changed over the years, as of course they must, or perhaps I turned away from the question, given how much I’d invested in existing html. (Well, I did obviously take the trouble to take into account https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml at some point, since the site began in 1994 or 1995.)

    I must admit I’m sorry to get the point now that the statement goes in html, not css (although no doubt the latter would still address column width and so page width). I don’t have templates but more than a thousand separate html pages by now. When I started, I hadn’t even heard of php, and later I just continued in my ways, again because of the time it would take to change. That’s for the static html pages that take up the backbone of my site, not the home-page blog in WordPress.

    So it may be that, short of undertaking a huge task, I may have to stick to thinking about the latter. As I say, I had help with it as I was new to WordPress, so I never learned a theme structure as well as I should. I just looked at the header, body, and sidebar php pages and the single css page afer he had drafted them based on the WordPress Classic theme and my existing html and css. Even now, I’m going to have to learn what to make of the rest of the theme’s many php pages. But I’ve taken way too much of your time, so I’ll leave it there.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by jhaber31.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by jhaber31.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by jhaber31.
    Thread Starter jhaber31


    I said I’d leave you alone, but may I report on a test I tried? I wanted to do the very minimum, in order to see what works before moving ahead, but easy to undo.

    I added the viewport meta tag in two places: (1) the header php for my WordPress theme and (2) the header for a single one of my static html files, https://www.haberarts.com/aalbers.htm. I did not make further changes to the header for doc type and character set. I placed it after such tags and before the ones identifying me and my subject matter.

    Things look unchanged on my laptop, which is good. In both cases, on the iPhone type became more legible, maybe even larger than I’d like. (In the html css, the type is set to 97%.) For the html page, the menu in the left sidebar now appears at top, seeming to take care already with no further action to adjust content to screen width. For the WordPress page, where the sidebar is to the right, it does not, and the menu is still to the right.

    So far, so good, but not all of the text fits on screen. So I opened the css for both, the one in my WordPress theme and the one for my art reviews. If I have identified the screen elements correctly, the text column is set for 580 in html and 576 in WordPress. Again if I’m correct, the sidebar in html is set for 100%, while I was unable to figure out which setting goes with the menu in WordPress.

    So I surfed the Web to see if I could find the correct width for mobile devices. Alas, the answers were all over the map. Any hints as to how I could do better? Thanks. I’m sure my stumbling around in the forum past isn’t the way to go, but I do appreciate it.

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by jhaber31.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by jhaber31.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by jhaber31.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by jhaber31.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by jhaber31.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by jhaber31.
    Moderator bcworkz


    IMHO the best way to update a lot of old .htm pages is to convert them all to .php. Of course you’d then need to set up a 301 redirect from .htm requests to .php. This should not create any SEO issues. I’ve successfully done this on a few old sites, but none as extensive as yours.

    You can then include a standard header.php file (not the same as the WP theme header.php) that includes all the common head content. Parts that are unique to a page such as the title can be managed with a constant defined on the main page. Altering all the page’s main files to make them PHP and include the header.php file can possibly be managed with some sort of global search and replace utility.

    As you say, it’s likely much easier to update the related CSS with media queries to handle mobile display issues, but converting to PHP is not as onerous as it might seem. I just wanted to point out the possibility. Naturally it helps if you know PHP, but novices can pick up enough to manage this kind of conversion. Nearly all of the files remain largely straight HTML, very little needs to be actual PHP code.

    Thread Starter jhaber31


    You have a point about php. It’d have the advantage of allowing me not to repeat some elements on every page, particularly the stacked images that make up the menu (in html, as div for wrapper and sidebar above my content) the corresponding image map (in html, below my content.

    I wouldn’t mind the learning curve. Still, either way, with or without php, it means changing every page, so it’s scary to contemplate, and I may have to put it off. I don’t have a lot of free work days!

    Incidentally, while I didn’t start with a template and php, I automated the process of coding new material a bit. Sometimes I take a default new page in my html editor and stuff in content. Sometimes I copy an existing review and overwrite its content. Most often, I rely on a Word macro I created years ago. I can’t say I could do it today.

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by jhaber31.
    Thread Starter jhaber31


    I continued to experiment and, so far, failed. Today I stuck entirely to style.css within what I trust is the active WordPress theme.

    I changed the header with from 770px to 100px. As I said last time, the content width is 576px. Then I added the following, below the existing lines for #menu:

    @media (max-width: 767px) {
    #menu {
    display: none;

    The good news, once again, is that everything looks the same as ever on my laptop. The bad news is that the sidebar at right hasn’t vanished on my phone, and the large type doesn’t all fit on the screen. (Neither of these happen on my laptop either if I change the browser from full screen to manually sized.) Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Of course, I could have failed to identify correctly the elements in WordPress, so I can play similarly with the html css where I know it well, but I can’t swear that’s it.

    Thread Starter jhaber31


    Well, to continue the story, at risk of driving you crazy or, if I haven’t already, driving you away, I did try adding something to the css governing the bulk of my site, in plain ht l. It falls below the style for sidebar, so that taken together the lines read like this:

    sidebar { height: 100%;

             float: left;
             padding: 12px }

    @media (max-width: 767px) {
    #sidebar {
    display: none;

    This time on my phone, as yesterday, the sidebar graphic menu has not vanished migrated to the top (which would be acceptable, perhaps). And the rest is now a bit small in type and a bit not fitting, but not too far off from screen width.

    Today’s change turns out to affect not every page, but only the single page to which I added a viewport meta tag yesterday. Well, I better give up. Experiment can take me only so far.

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