The problem you’re seeing is because you added some inline widths within posts, for example:
<p style="width: 640px; margin: 0.5px auto; border: 0px; text-align: center;">
By hard-coding in widths like this, you’re overriding the theme’s responsiveness, which ensures that the site automatically adjusts its layout and looks good and readable on any size of device.
If you want to avoid this issue, you should do two things:
– remove the inline CSS you’ve added so far
– replace the inline CSS with custom CSS added within media queries*, so it affects only desktop screen sizes. You can add this new CSS to your existing custom CSS stylesheet that I see here: view-source:
By doing these two things, your site will remain readable and look good at any screen size and on any device.
*You can learn more about using media queries that target certain screen sizes here:
If you need further help with anything, just let us know and we’ll be glad to get into the code details with you.