• I was wondering if mod_rewrite is an integral part of WP.. is it possible to use WP in totality without mod_rewrite as I don’t want to password protect pages or directories?

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  • mod_rewrite’s listed in the loaded modules section. Super!

    Hopefully this is my last annoying question. *g* I’ve ‘unhidden’ my files, and I’m still looking.

    Is the actual name of the file htaccess?

    .htaccess – with a dot at the beginning

    I know this is going to come as a big shock, but…I broke it.

    I searched for the .htaccess and only found one in my phpBB directory. There didn’t seem to be one for WP. So I just made one up. (Probably my first mistake.)

    I took the code the permalinks page told me should be in .htaccess and put it in a notepad file. I saved it as .htaccess and loaded it into the root directory (where WP lives) and renamed it without the .txt. Checked off every available permissions box (it doesn’t show me numbers, just boxes). The permalinks page still tells me my htaccess isn’t writeable. I tried moving it to the default directory in themes.

    And now I’m getting a url not found if I click on an entry title.

    Was I not supposed to just make one up?

    I sounds like you did everything correct. What are you permissions on the file? you may see something like: 777 or rwxrwxrwx depending on the FTP client you are using…..

    In your Admin setion, go to Manage->Files. On the sidebar, look for “.htaccess (for rewrite rules)” and click on that. Ensure that the file actually contains the information you want/need.


    If I click on .htaccess in Manage–> Files I get: You don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/templates.php on this server

    I can’t find anyplace where I can just assign it a number.

    It has a Read, Write, and Exec checkbox for User, Group, and Other. I have all 9 boxes checked.

    If I right-click and view page info, it will let me see the chmod list, and all three ‘W’ values seem to be set at 2. It won’t let me change them, though. (hostica uses WebShell, if that makes a difference.)

    I’m still getting that error if I click on .htaccess in Manage–> Files, but if I go to the permalinks page, it will update it all for me, and the title links are working on my site, and I’ve got the nice links now, so I’m happy.

    Thank you, guys for all your help. There are dozens of reasons why WordPress is the best, but this support board is first on the list.

    (Oh, and I’m embarrassed to admit that the permalinks thing wasn’t working mostly because when I renamed .htaccess to remove the .txt, I forgot to remove the . )

    Cool Shannon, glad you got it all figured out, the “nice” URL’s are purty. ??


    w?°?°T! Good going, Shannon!

    BTW, none of your questions were dumb, crazy, silly, or otherwise. They are just regular questions from someone working hard to learn and understand what is going on. As for your goof over forgetting to remove the dot in the file name, that’s NOTHING! On many occasions I’ve made changes to my CSS, saved the CSS file, then checked my site. Then I would sob because the site had not changed. I would go back to my CSS and double-check, then double-check the double-check, and so on. Everything would look fine. I’d re-save the file, then check my site.

    Nothing. No changes. More sobbing.

    Then, I would realise that I had not UPLOADED the changed CSS file to my server. After the upload, I’d reload my site, and “Bob’s-your-uncle” the CSS miraculously worked! So, as you can see, you aren’t the only one who likes to cause themselves grief. I do it all the time! ??

    Have fun, and don’t hesitate to come back if you have more questions. (Just don’t forget to search first! :p )

    That will do it ??

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