Sorry for the confusion @mjefferson96. Most likely what has happened is that your modals for some reason when imported into the newest version didnt set the modals to sitewide.
On each modal settings page you can choose sitewide or not.
If its not sitewide it wont work unless specifically chosen via each page/post settings page. You will see an option to choose the modals you want to load for that page.
@glorybee this can be achieved using some simple jQuery in your themes js or similar.. ex…
This is the code that opens the checkout modal when you click the get started buttons on
var $this = $(this);
var license_type = $'license_type');
var $modal = $('#eModal-27').emodal('open');
$('.product_info').text( $'license_type') == 1 ? '(Personal)' : '(Developer)');
$('.product_price').text('$' + $'price'));
$('.form-total .price', $modal).text('$' + $'price'));
Basically i am preventing the basic open and using a customized opening.
Setting form fields on the fly using their ids. This could be used to do just about anything in that respect.
PS. The entire checkout process on that site is done via Easy Modal modals. You pay and immediately get a license key in another modal.
I.e. this plugin can do whatever you want it to really.