• Resolved kusalo


    First… really first class offering on your part. Thank you. Both well presented and generous in features.

    I am looking for a fairly minimalist look. The modal popUp…
    Excuse me if I squeeze in several questions here. I figure they are all related.

    1 – is there a way to set the excerpt length? It truncates at about 25 words / 180 characters. How to make this longer?
    2 – I have disabled the “MORE INFO” button…
    .em-item-actions, input { display:none; }
    but wonder if there is a more elegant way to do this?
    3 – Can the calendar image on the left
    class=”em-item-image has-placeholder”
    be removed – so that the full space can be given to the detail?
    4 – and, following on from ‘3’ – how to reset the width of the entire modal? I could probably tweak the CSS (as ‘2’) but, as per ‘2’, I figure there may be a more elegant way.

    I am really appreciating exploring the wide range of options you offer.
    thx – Kusalo

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by kusalo.
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  • See the following thread to see how to modify the formats:?https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/some-odd-features-showing-on-my-event-page/. That thread was about single event page format but on the same page you can also modify the event list page format.

    You can remove the image. By removing this:


    You can change the excerpt length by altering the placeholder #_EVENTEXCERPT{25}.

    To remove “More Info” just remove this:

    <a class="em-item-read-more button" href="#_EVENTURL" target="#_EVENTTARGET">More Info</a>

    The “modal” uses 100% for the width. So, the width is controlled by the container.

    Thread Starter kusalo


    Thank you for your quick response.

    I did finally find the #_EVENTEXCERPTCUT in the installed ‘help’ – it seems to work better as: #_EVENTEXCERPTCUT{25,…}

    The ‘more info’ text was pretty easy. Thx.

    I then worked on removing the image. There are three files that have the code block: #_EVENTIMAGE{medium} etc.


    I tried removing all instances – and then one by one – with no success.
    Any other suggestions?
    I will keep digging about and see what I can find.

    Really nice piece of work! Thank you.

    To remove the image remove the following:

    	<div class="em-item-image {no_image}has-placeholder{/no_image}">
    		<div class="em-item-image-placeholder">
    			<div class="date">
    				<span class="day">#d</span>
    				<span class="month">#M</span>
    Thread Starter kusalo


    Yes, that worked. I only needed to do this in:
    This removes: div class=”em-item-image has-placeholder”

    I am then left with: div class=”em-item-info”
    I tried so many different ways to make this full width of .em-modal-content but failed with them all. Any suggestions?

    PS. I was distracted by another aspect of EM and now see, in the same file above, that changing _EVENTEXCERPT{25} is what is required.

    Thank you.

    Try adding the following css:

    .em.em-list .em-item {
        display: initial !important;

    This will work for the event list format. I don’t know how to view the modal popup.

    Thread Starter kusalo


    You have been incredibly generous and patient with my progress. Awesome.

    Yes, that ‘display’ totally works. I would like to share a screen shot of *success* but there is no way here. I am building offline and will look to pro once all the bugs (my personal needs ?? are sorted.

    FYI – there are several factors but 2 items particularly will see me using EM (as opposed to ‘the’ evCal)… Shortcodes, so incredibly flexible and recurring events. I have ‘5 star’ reviewed.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by kusalo. Reason: resolved
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