Sorry, I’m still here and I really think the problem is with Memphis.
I have some modals that opens but have a broken layout, so I go inspect and see that Memphis’s CSS is responsible.
Then I have some other modals that open but close immediately, and that is notoriously caused by multiple boostrap session open in a single page, but since it’s normal that plugins use bootstrap then why the one from Memphis is doing the damage?
I also have a broken layout in the file list, and that can only be Memphis.
Moreover, there have been long time issues that have never been resolved (like a missing cursor in text fields, or a temporary broken layout on loading the plugin’s backend) and those can only be bootstrap issues with Memphis, as I have it installed on several websites/themes and all return the same problems.
Can you think of any workaround without being able to see my site, since it’s under maintenance?
I’d appreciate your feedback