• Hi,

    I would like anyone visiting my site to be able to post a new topic, but it should be moderated.

    Comment moderation is built-in and straightforward, but what about POST moderation?

    My thinking is… have new users automatically registered as “contributors.” That way then can only save their posts. And an admin has to publish it!

    But how does an admin know there is a message waiting for moderation?

    Can anyone help?

    Thanks a ton! ??

    BTW, I’m using WP 2.0

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  • I’ve been dealing with just this issue. There is a post moderation plugin at <https://www.blueeye.us/wordpress/2005/01/16/post-moderation-10-beta/&gt;, but it has not (yet) been updated to work with 2.0. It doesn’t send notification to admins, but it does add a menu item to display/edit/approve posts being held for moderation.

    In the meantime, I’m doing the same thing you are. New users are registered as ‘Contributors’. And Manage | Posts will show me who has saved drafts. I’m considering asking users to add something at the top like ‘READY’ to distinguish between drafts they’re still working on and drafts which are ready to go.

    Would *love* a real post moderation solution.


    FWIW, what I’ve done is ask my authors to preface their post subjects with the word POST when they’re ready for it to be looked at. I then wrote a quick PHP script which I run as a cron job; the script looks to see if there are any posts which start with POST and then emails me if there are, so I can go moderate.

    There are more complicated ways to do this, like writing it as a real plugin and hooking save_post. But it meets my needs for now.


    Can you identify all e-mailed posts as coming from a contributer that must be moderated? Then the administrator could periodicly review and release posts to the blog.

    UPDATE: I’ve now written a mini-plugin that hooks the save_post action. Whenever a post is saved with POST in the title, WordPress automatically emails me with the author’s name and the post title. Then I can log in, edit as needed, and publish. This is a little niftier than the cron script I had before.

    (My authors who need moderation can only save posts, not publish on their own.)


    Thread Starter friend_of_grommit


    asherber, care to share your plugin??? Pretty please? ??

    Well, here’s the guts of it:

    function mg_notify_admin($post_id) {
    $post = &get_post($post_id);
    $keyword = strtok($post->post_title, ' ');

    if (strstr('POST DONE', $keyword)) {
    $post_title = substr($post->post_title, strlen($keyword) + 1);
    $first_name = get_usermeta($post->post_author, 'first_name');
    $last_name = get_usermeta($post->post_author, 'last_name');

    $message = "A post has been submitted for moderation.\n"
    . "Author: $first_name $last_name \n"
    . "Title: $post_title";
    wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), 'Moderation notification',

    add_action('save_post', 'mg_notify_admin');

    (Sorry, can’t get indents to display correctly.)

    This will fire any time a post is saved and the first word of the title is either ‘POST’ or ‘DONE’. An email will be sent to the site admin letting them know that the post is there. The admin can then log in, edit the post, remove ‘POST’, and publish.

    Note also that this only emails the main site admin. This could be modified to loop through the list of users and notify any user with the publish_posts capability (or other specified criteria).


    hi there.
    any progress on this topic? i’m looking for a similar “moderate posts” solution for my conributors/visiors.

    anybody else have any solutions to share?


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