
    Hi Antonie. Is it possible to only allow users to see the predictions inputs when you check the checkbox “paid” in the backend. Now users can see and type predictions but they arent saved until i accept the user as a pool player.

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  • Thread Starter ARTEFACTOCO


    Hi antonie… I did a better test and reformulate my question: when you use shortcodes to show open matches to predict, and you are logged in, but you haven’t been activated by the “Football Pool New Users” Plugin, You can see forms but you can’t saved predictions until you get activated (if you press save button the page is loaded with empty fields again)… What I would like to have is to hide forms to users that haven’t been activated although they are logged in and show forms when they get activated… this works perfect on the player predictions page but not using shortocodes. Thanks.

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    I see that the shortcode only checks for logged on status. That is not correct, I will fix it in the next update (v2.6.7).

    You can download the dev version if you can’t wait (no guarantees).

    Thread Starter ARTEFACTOCO


    Thanks Antonie! I appreciate if you let me know the code and files you will change in order to not lose some little code adjustments i did for my pool! When you got that done!

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    Next version will contain not only the fix I described in this post. If you want to see all changes since 2.6.6, you can browse the code changes here: https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/log/football-pool/
    On that page you can select two revisions and then view the changes (both filenames and actual code changes).

    For the shortcode fix I only changed the file /classes/class-football-pool-shortcodes.php

    Thread Starter ARTEFACTOCO



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