• Hello my name is Jerry Katzman MD and I tried commenting on a post, and when I did, I couldn’t see it. Are the comments moderated?

    Thank you for your help.

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  • Posts are scanned by askimet and moderated by a group of moderators here. I didn’t see where any of your posts had been deleted recently. It could have been caught be askimet and deleted automatically. If you would provide a link to the the topic you where trying to post on maybe we can find something.

    I am setting up my word press and want to inform users when comments are moderated.

    However the documentation directs me to comments-popup.php (which does not exist and to comments.php which does not exist. However there are two comment.php – one in the wp-admin section and one in wp-inludes but neither display the following that is in the documentation:

    If you use popup comments, edit comments-popup.php and if you do not, edit comments.php.

    Look for the following code:

    <input name=”submit” type=”submit” tabindex=”5″ value=”<?php _e(“Say it!”); ?>” />
    Change that to the following, adding your own customization:


    Comment moderation is in use. Please do not submit your comment twice — it will appear shortly.

    <input name=”submit” type=”submit” tabindex=”5″ value=”<?php _e(“Say it!”); ?>” />

    Where can I find this and set it up?

    The comments.php that’s being referred to is in your current theme’s directory.

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