• Resolved neosan


    i just uninstalled ACF Pro
    pods and acf have at first sight no difference but we will see that there are still major weak points that pods still does not have…
    and we will try to reproduce them with some code snippets using saint AI assistants

    Library> Limit the media library choice (for pods)


    add_filter('ajax_query_attachments_args', 'restrict_pods_gallery_to_post_media');

    function restrict_pods_gallery_to_post_media($query) {
    // 1. Only allow users with upload permissions
    if (!current_user_can('upload_files')) {


    // 2. Ensure a valid post ID is provided
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {

    // 3. Retrieve the post object
    $post = get_post((int)$_REQUEST['post_id']);
    if (!$post instanceof \WP_Post) {
    return $query;

    // 4. Restrict changes to your specific custom post type ('pods')
    if ($post->post_type !== 'pods') {
    return $query;

    // 6. Don't show private images
    $query['post_status'] = 'inherit';

    // 7. Filter to display only images attached to the specific post
    $query['post_parent'] = $post->ID;

    return $query;


    Working fine (done)

    the next challenge is to make sure that the first image of the gallery is always the featured image
    it is very practical and simple that I already use with ACF

    add_filter('acf/save_post', 'gallery_to_thumbnail');
    function gallery_to_thumbnail($post_id) {
    $gallery = get_field('gallery', $post_id, false); //your gallery field name here
    if (!empty($gallery)) {
    $image_id = $gallery[0];
    set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $image_id);

    i can not find the right code and the AI ??can not understand pods Framework
    if someone or a hidden force of this forum can give us the seasme code, thank you to him for contributing
    all the code I tested and it didn’t work

    add_filter('save_post', 'set_first_image_as_featured_from_pods_media');

    function set_first_image_as_featured_from_pods_media($post_id) {
    // Replace 'pods_gallery' with the actual field name where you store the images
    $media_field_name = 'pods_gallery';

    // Get the media field value (array of image IDs)
    $media_ids = get_post_meta($post_id, $ $media_field_name, true);

    if (!empty($media_ids)) {
    $first_image_id = reset($media_ids);
    set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $first_image_id);
    add_filter('pods_api_post_save_pod_item_member', 'ipg_pods_save_function', 10, 2);

    function ipg_pods_save_function($pieces, $is_new_item, $pod_id) {
    if (isset($pieces['fields']['pods_gallery']['value'])) {
    // Get the first image ID from the pods_gallery field
    $image_ids = $pieces['fields']['pods_gallery']['value'];
    $first_image_id = reset($image_ids);

    // Set the first image as the featured image
    set_post_thumbnail($pieces['params']->id, $first_image_id);
    add_filter('pods_api_post_save_pod_item_member', 'ipg_pods_save_function', 10, 2);

    function ipg_pods_save_function($pieces, $is_new_item, $pod_id) {
    if (isset($pieces['fields']['pods_gallery']['value'])) {
    $image_ids = $pieces['fields']['pods_gallery']['value'];
    var_dump($image_ids); // Check the value here
    $first_image_id = reset($image_ids);
    // ...

    if ever one day any authority has the power to convince the devs to add these two options directly in pods, may god bless him for having contributed to modernize pods and simplify our life.

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by neosan.
Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Support Paul Clark


    To achieve the expressed custom functionality where if a certain image multi-select field automatically sets a post thumbnail based on the first image:

    * Set the first image of a multi-select file field to the featured image on save.
    $gallery_field_post_type = 'member'; // The Pod / CPT this applies to.
    // @see https://docs.pods.io/code/action-reference/pods_api_post_save_pod_item_podname/
    'pods_api_post_save_pod_item_' . $gallery_field_post_type,
    function( $pieces, $is_new_item, $object_id ) {
    // Name of the image field. Assumes multi-select, images only.
    $multi_select_image_field_name = 'pods_gallery';
    if (
    // The field exists.
    array_key_exists( $multi_select_image_field_name, (array) $pieces['fields'] )
    // The value is an array (of attachment IDs).
    && is_array( $pieces['fields'][ $multi_select_image_field_name ]['value'] )
    // There is at least one attachment ID.
    && ! empty( $pieces['fields'][ $multi_select_image_field_name ]['value'] )
    ) {
    // Set the post thumbnail for the post object being edited to the first image.
    // In a Block Editor context, the page may need to be refreshed to reflect the change.
    (int) $object_id,
    (int) array_keys( $pieces['fields'][ $multi_select_image_field_name ]['value'] )[0]

    Some key details that cause this to work as compared to the original shared code include:

    • The third argument of add_filter indicates the number of arguments the filter function receives. In this case, 3 rather than 2.
    • The value of a file upload field in this filter is a multi-demensional array, in which keys are the attachment IDs, while values are arrays containing both the ID and filename. array_keys() is used to identify just the ID of the attachment.
    • $object_id contains the ID of the post being updated.
    • reset() does the same thing as [0] — returning the first element of an array. This difference is stylistic only.
    • Most of the function verifies data integrity — whether the field name exists, whether the field value is an array of files, and whether there is at least one file uploaded before attempting to save the post thumbnail.

    Some other details relevant to the output of the language model used to generate the original post’s code include that $ $media_field_name would cause a crash or be interpreted as a variable variable due to the double $, and var_dump() might be difficult to identify without exit() following — the output would appear in the response to the AJAX request to post.php in a Block Editor context, found in Network tab of the Web Inspector.

    While there are filters both in Pods and WordPress core for these customizations, discussion of feature requests and additions to the plugin would be best written as GitHub issues for focused attention within the development lifecycle. There have been more than 13,000 commits to the core Pods project so far, with the most recent release being two weeks ago.

    Have a great weekend — best of luck with your project and thank you for using Pods.

    Thread Starter neosan


    Hello @pdclark ,thanks for your code and the support
    I just tested your code and it works well
    I was able to Set the first image of the multi-select field as featured image
    So far everything is fine, I put the code and I setlect my taxonomies (pods relationship) and I save the post,
    to my great surprise i notice that the pods field relationships are not connected to the taxonomies or do not update them, which is strange coming from ACF which does it naturally and logically.

    so I find myself digging through all of wordpress in all the pods options for hours, thinking that I must have done something stupid, until I did a test wp clean install and I understood that the problem comes from pods and this google link gives an explanation
    Update Taxonomy from Value Stored in Relationship Field

    at this stage I am totally lost I no longer understand how pods works and the logic behind it
    so I need to give content to analyze and a scenario to understand for the devs to find the most suitable solution for the future

    so I asked google gemini AI to analyze all the codes and give me a solution,
    several tests later I end up with a giga code..
    // Function for updating taxonomies and setting featured image
    // Function to assign parent terms
    everything works fine (see here)

    I’m not a dev and I already have a headache with all this code ??I feel like I’m playing with a bomb if one day something changes my site explodes? so I asked gemini ??to simplify and explain everything, I hope it can help to understand how to make these options clickable directly in the options> fields in pods
    I put the code at the end of the message

    One detail that I noticed is that in the relationship field it does not visually display who is parent and child as (seen here) (ACF do it )
    and one last observation, I activated Allow Add New > Taggable for my fields, so if I create a new term and save the post,
    it does not take it into account, you have to save again, so 2 saves to see it apply, I don’t know if this bug is known or not.
    but in any case if a pods dev comes to read this document he can take it as a reference to reproduce the scenario

    i think i provided enough content to analyze to create a real ticket on github and a real discussion on whether we should improve all these points or wait for my site to explode on its own with all this code ??

    * Update Taxonomies for Properties with Multiple Selections and Set Featured Image

    // Function for updating taxonomies and setting featured image
    function my_property_update( $pieces, $is_new_item, $id ) {

    // Define taxonomies and pods fields (what data to update)
    $taxonomies = array(
    'property-type' => 'p-type',
    'property-status' => 'p-status',
    'property-feature' => 'p-features',
    'property-city' => 'p-city',
    // Add the new taxonomy

    // Loop through each defined taxonomy
    foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $field_name ) {
    // Get the taxonomy data from the submitted data (pieces)
    $terms = $pieces['fields'][$field_name]['value'];

    // Sanitize and format the taxonomy data
    if ( empty( $terms ) ) {
    $terms = null; // Set to null to avoid errors if no data is provided
    } else {
    if ( ! is_array( $terms ) ) {
    $terms = explode( ',', $terms ); // Convert comma-separated values to an array
    $terms = array_map( 'intval', $terms ); // Ensure all terms are integers (IDs)

    // Update the property with the sanitized taxonomy terms
    wp_set_object_terms( $id, $terms, $taxonomy, false );

    // Set the first image of the multi-select field as featured image (if applicable)
    $gallery_field_post_type = 'property';
    $multi_select_image_field_name = 'p_gallery';

    // Check if the multi-select image field exists, has values, and is not empty
    if (
    array_key_exists( $multi_select_image_field_name, (array) $pieces['fields'] ) &&
    is_array( $pieces['fields'][ $multi_select_image_field_name ]['value'] ) &&
    ! empty( $pieces['fields'][ $multi_select_image_field_name ]['value'] )
    ) {
    // Get the ID of the first image in the multi-select field
    $first_image_id = array_keys( $pieces['fields'][ $multi_select_image_field_name ]['value'] )[0];
    // Set the first image as the featured image for the property
    set_post_thumbnail( $id, (int) $first_image_id );

    // Function to assign parent terms (optional, adjust as needed)
    function assign_parent_terms($post_id, $post) {
    // Check if the post type is 'property' to avoid unnecessary processing
    if ($post->post_type !== 'property') {

    // Get all taxonomies associated with the 'property' post type
    $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post);

    // Loop through each taxonomy
    foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
    // Get the assigned terms for the current taxonomy
    $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $taxonomy);

    // Loop through each assigned term
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
    // Get the parent ID of the current term
    $parent_id = $term->parent;

    // Loop through parent hierarchy until a top-level parent is reached
    while ($parent_id && !has_term($parent_id, $taxonomy, $post)) {
    // Assign the parent term to the property efficiently using bulk assignment
    wp_set_object_terms($post_id, array($parent_id), $taxonomy, true);

    // Get the parent ID of the current parent for the next iteration
    $parent_id = get_term($parent_id, $taxonomy)->parent; // Optimized way to get parent ID

    // Action hooks for saving property posts with correct priority
    add_action( 'pods_api_post_save_pod_item_property', 'my_property_update', 10, 3 );
    add_action( 'save_post', 'assign_parent_terms', 11, 2 );
    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    Hello @nreljed,

    Taxonomy Terms

    Pods supports two configurations:

    • WordPress core taxonomy connections. These are found under the Connections tab when editing a CPT or taxonomy. This is the WordPress core taxonomy storage and user interface.
    • Pods Relationship fields. These typically store in Post Meta, with options for external tables, and support relating to any object type, including taxonomies. The storage is usually IDs in wp_postmeta. The user interface is Pods/React.

    For a bit more details on those, and some related functions, see https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/cpt-with-taxonomy-relation-as-dropt-down-showing-as-drop-down-and-checkboxes/#post-17867668

    Comparing one’s own application data within the context of the WordPress database schema may also be beneficial when endeavoring to write new functionality.

    Language Models

    When working with language models, it may be helpful to keep in mind the nature of those technologies: while they are marketed as “intelligent”, that’s not an entirely accurate paradigm for understanding their behavior:

    Rather than “understanding”, these technologies are statistical models of language: they output text which is highly probable based on cross-referencing words in input with statistical models of word-fragment associations.

    They can be effective for many purposes, even coding, but one has to check, validate, and refine. They do not “understand” code — they simulate outcomes similar to what an understanding mind might likely produce.

    In practical terms, they are far ahead of, but similar to, selecting a random autocorrect suggestion over and over again on a phone. Similarly, they are far behind what a trained human mind does to express physical functionality through an understanding of language.

    ACF and other similar software

    I understand it can often be beneficial to compare many solutions when approaching a problem or creating something new. At the same time, it may be beneficial to consider software, which is engineering through language, as similar to cars or books:

    • A Toyota feature operating in one way does not necessarily mean a Volkswagen will be the same, or needs to be the same. One can own and make use of both a Toyota and a Volkswagen.
    • If a book by one author phrases a concept with a certain sentence, it does not mean another book will phrase the same concept in the same way, or that it will address the same topic at all.

    Software is like these things.

    Like different cars or books, ACF and Pods can be used side-by-side even though they have many overlapping purposes. Like WordPress itself, these plugins are written to be flexible for many use cases.

    Feedback on Pods is welcome: many contributors continuously improve it for thousands of users.

    If things come to a request or addition which might apply for all installations, it may be beneficial to consider the difference between a change in functionality that would benefit one use case or application, versus a change in functionality that should be the default behavior or user interface for 100,000 or more applications with varying goals and architectures.

    Parent/Child Indicators in Relationship Fields

    This item sounds like a great, focused first-issue to submit as a feature request through GitHub. It aligns with default behavior many users might expect if the “hierarchical” checkbox is checked on a taxonomy.

    Update Taxonomies for Properties with Multiple Selections and Set Featured Image

    I did not note whether there is unexpected behavior in the code at the end of your post, other than the difference between a relationship field versus a taxonomy Connection, but using both save_post and the pods_api_post_save... actions simultaneously might yield unexpected results.

    The pods_api_post_save... action runs later, and even in WordPress core, some updated metadata is not always available at save_post, so if any issues are being encountered, it might be beneficial to consolidate the two functions into one, or to hook into pods_api_post_save... with multiple functions at varying priorities.

    $id represents the object ID — such as the post. The post object can be loaded with get_post( $id ).

    Thread Starter neosan


    thanks to @pdclark for his help and explanations ??
    after a few days of testing and stress test (my test site didn’t explode and I survived ??) this may be useful to someone else one day

    This code snippet defines a function called my_enhanced_post_update that triggers whenever a post of the custom post type (CPT) specified in $my_cpt (replace with your actual CPT name) is saved using the Pods framework—a popular content management framework for WordPress.
    Key Features:

    1. Taxonomy Updates:
      • Maintains relationships between posts and taxonomies.
      • Defines an array $taxonomies that maps taxonomy names to their corresponding Pods field names.
      • During post save, retrieves term IDs from the designated Pods fields for each taxonomy.
      • Uses wp_set_object_terms to update the post’s assigned terms based on the retrieved IDs.
    2. Featured Image Handling (Optional):
      • Allows setting the featured image based on the first image in a multi-select Pods field named $featured_image_field_name (configurable).
      • Checks the $enable_featured_image argument (defaults to true) to enable/disable this functionality.
      • If enabled and the field exists, retrieves image IDs from the field.
      • Sets the first image’s ID as the featured image using set_post_thumbnail.
      • If the field is empty or disabled, checks for existing featured images and removes them using delete_post_thumbnail.

    Equivalence to ACF Save Terms:

    • Core Functionality:
      • Both achieve the same core functionality of associating terms with posts upon saving.
    • Implementation Differences:
      • This code leverages Pods for data retrieval and manipulation, whereas ACF provides its own mechanisms.
      • Optional featured image handling is a separate feature in ACF.
    • Customizability:
      • Both allow for customization through configuration options (taxonomy mappings, field names, featured image behavior).

    Explanation for Someone Familiar with ACF Save Terms:

    Imagine you’re using ACF and have created custom fields for taxonomies and a multi-select image field. When you save a post:

    • Taxonomy Updates:
      • Similar to ACF Save Terms, this code retrieves term selections from the designated Pods fields (analogous to ACF fields).
    • Featured Image:
      • If you have ACF’s “Save as Featured Image” option enabled for the image field, this code achieves the same by setting the first image as the featured image.

    In essence, this code provides a Pods-based alternative to ACF’s functionality of saving terms and optionally setting featured images for your custom post type.

    Feel free to adjust or add any additional details as needed! ??

    // Define the CPT name (replace with your actual CPT name)
    $my_cpt = 'property';

    * Update Taxonomies and Featured Image on Post Save (Optimized)
    * This function takes the following arguments:
    * - $pieces: An array containing post data from Pods API.
    * - $is_new_item: A boolean indicating if it's a new post.
    * - $id: The ID of the post being saved.
    * - $cpt_name: The name of the custom post type (CPT).
    * - $enable_featured_image (default: true): A boolean to control
    * whether to process the featured image functionality.
    * - Set to
    true to enable featured image setting based on the gallery field.
    * - Set to false to disable featured image setting altogether.
    * It iterates through defined taxonomies and their corresponding Pods field names,
    * retrieves term IDs from those fields, and updates the post's taxonomies.
    * It also handles setting (or removing) the first image from a multi-select field
    * as the featured image, based on the $enable_featured_image argument.
    add_action( 'pods_api_post_save_pod_item_' . $my_cpt, 'my_enhanced_post_update', 10, 5 );

    function my_enhanced_post_update( $pieces, $is_new_item, $id, $cpt_name, $enable_featured_image = true ) {

    // Array of taxonomies and their corresponding Pods field names
    $taxonomies = array(
    'property-status' => 'p-status',
    'property-type' => 'p-type',
    'property-city' => 'p-city',
    'property-feature' => 'p-feature',
    // ... Replace with additional taxonomies (if needed)

    // Featured image field name (assuming multi-select, images only)
    $featured_image_field_name = 'gallery';

    // Process taxonomies
    foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy => $field_name) {
    $terms = isset( $pieces['fields'][$field_name]['value'] ) ? $pieces['fields'][$field_name]['value'] : null;

    if ( !empty($terms) ) {
    if ( !is_array($terms) ) {
    $terms = explode(',', $terms);
    $terms = array_map('intval', $terms);

    // Update post terms using retrieved term IDs
    wp_set_object_terms( $id, $terms, $taxonomy, false );

    // Process featured image (if applicable and enabled)
    if ( $enable_featured_image && array_key_exists( $featured_image_field_name, (array) $pieces['fields'] ) ) {
    $images = $pieces['fields'][$featured_image_field_name]['value'];

    // Check if there are any images in the gallery field
    if ( !empty($images) && is_array($images) ) {
    $attachment_id = array_keys( $images )[0];
    set_post_thumbnail( $id, (int) $attachment_id );
    } else {
    // Check if a featured image is already set
    $has_featured_image = has_post_thumbnail( $id );
    if ( $has_featured_image ) {
    delete_post_thumbnail( $id );
    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by neosan.
    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Thanks for your great ideas here — I’m going to add the ability to do these two things in Pods in our upcoming release that I’m working on:

    • Limit a file field to only files associated to the current post
    • Auto-set featured image on post type to the first image of file field

    Anything else you can think of there that I may have missed from this conversation?

    Thread Starter neosan



    Thank you for your message and contribution
    Everything appears to be in order. If feasible and without any significant issues, making ‘Update Taxonomies’ optional as envisioned here would be an excellent addition.
    It would provide greater flexibility to choose which field to update and archive this snippet.

    If you ever decide to address the parent/child issue that the Relationship Field doesn’t currently manage

    You’ll need this feature to test whether everything is proceeding as planned.
    Update Taxonomies and Assign Parent Terms on Post Save

    // Define the CPT name as a constant
    define( 'MY_CPT', 'property' );

    * Update Taxonomies and Assign Parent Terms on Post Save (Optimized)
    * This function performs two main tasks when a post of the specified CPT is saved:
    * 1. Updates the post's taxonomies based on assigned terms from Pods fields.
    * 2. Assigns parent terms for the assigned taxonomies, ensuring a complete hierarchy.
    * It takes the following arguments:
    * - $pieces: An array containing post data from Pods API (assuming Pods plugin is used).
    * - $is_new_item: A boolean indicating if it's a new post.
    * - $id: The ID of the post being saved.
    add_action( 'pods_api_post_save_pod_item_' . MY_CPT, 'update_taxonomies_and_assign_parents', 10, 3 );

    function update_taxonomies_and_assign_parents( $pieces, $is_new_item, $id ) {

    // Array of taxonomies and their corresponding Pods field names
    $taxonomies = array(
    'property-status' => 'p-status',
    'property-type' => 'p-type',
    'property-city' => 'p-city',
    'property-feature' => 'p-feature',
    // ... Replace with additional taxonomies (if needed)

    // Process Taxonomies (Update Post Terms)
    foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy => $field_name) {
    $terms = isset( $pieces['fields'][$field_name]['value'] ) ? $pieces['fields'][$field_name]['value'] : null;

    if ( !empty($terms) ) {
    if ( !is_array($terms) ) {
    $terms = explode(',', $terms); // Convert comma-separated string to array
    $terms = array_map('intval', $terms); // Convert each term to integer

    // Update post terms using retrieved term IDs
    wp_set_object_terms( $id, $terms, $taxonomy, false );

    // Assign Parent Terms for Assigned Taxonomies
    assign_parent_terms($id, get_post($id)); // Pass post object to the function

    // Function to assign parent terms (placed outside the original function)
    function assign_parent_terms($post_id, $post) {
    // Check if the post type is the defined constant
    if ($post->post_type !== MY_CPT) {

    // Get all taxonomies associated with the 'property' post type
    $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post);

    // Loop through each taxonomy
    foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
    // Get the assigned terms for the current taxonomy
    $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $taxonomy);

    // Loop through each assigned term
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
    $parent_id = $term->parent;

    // Loop through parent hierarchy until a top-level parent is reached
    while ($parent_id && !has_term($parent_id, $taxonomy, $post)) {
    // Assign the parent term to the property efficiently using bulk assignment
    wp_set_object_terms($post_id, array($parent_id), $taxonomy, true);

    // Get the parent ID of the current parent for the next iteration
    $parent_id = get_term($parent_id, $taxonomy)->parent; // Optimized way to get parent ID

    // Hook the function to the 'save_post' action with appropriate priority
    add_action('save_post', 'assign_parent_terms', 11, 2);

    But that’s a topic for another post.
    Happy coding!

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    Pods 3.2.4 has a few new things that you’ll like:

    • Feature: Allow restricting media library for File fields to only showing attachments associated to the current post ID.
    • Feature: Allow File field to automatically use the first file saved as the featured image for the post.
    • Feature: Add support for Post Types that have associated Taxonomies to have a Relationship field which will automatically sync to the corresponding taxonomy on save.

    Specifically for the term syncing, you can use the new filter pods_field_pick_save_sync_taxonomy_term_ids to pre-filter the terms being synced so it will automatically set parents as needed on the taxonomy term level. Here’s how that filter gets called:

     * Allow filtering the list of term IDs that will be synced for a field.
     * @since 3.2.4
     * @param array  $term_ids_to_sync The list of term IDs to sync.
     * @param Field  $field            The field object.
     * @param int    $id               The post ID.
     * @param string $taxonomy_name    The taxonomy name being synced.
    $term_ids_to_sync = apply_filters( 'pods_field_pick_save_sync_taxonomy_term_ids', $value_ids, $options, $id, $taxonomy_name );
    Thread Starter neosan


    hello @sc0ttkclark
    sorry for the delay I took a few days of vacation ??
    I just tested, it doesn’t work, I can’t understand what I have to enter in the field
    taxonomies or CPT

    the snippet gives me an error

    it didn’t work for me ,I spent two hours struggling to understand where the problem is
    I saw that there were some bugs on pods these last updates so I imagine that’s why?

    By chance
    I noticed a strange behavior and a possible confirmation that all the codes do not work correctly or an important instruction is missing

    by installing an SEO plugin (rankmath in my case)
    they have a series of useful snippet codes to update/add certain terms or categories in Focus Keyword

    * Function to update Rank Math Focus Keywords for properties using specified taxonomies
    function update_property_focus_keywords() {
    $properties = get_posts(array(
    'post_type' => 'property',
    'posts_per_page' => -1,
    'post_status' => 'publish'

    $taxonomies = array('property-status', 'property-type', 'property-city');

    foreach ($properties as $property) {
    // Check if Focus Keyword is already set
    if (!get_post_meta($property->ID, 'rank_math_focus_keyword', true)) {
    $keywords = array();

    // Get terms for each taxonomy
    foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
    $terms = get_the_terms($property->ID, $taxonomy);
    if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
    $keywords[] = strtolower($term->name);

    // Update Focus Keyword if we have keywords
    if (!empty($keywords)) {
    $focus_keyword = implode(', ', array_unique($keywords));
    update_post_meta($property->ID, 'rank_math_focus_keyword', $focus_keyword);

    // Hook the function to run when WordPress initializes
    add_action('init', 'update_property_focus_keywords');

    on pods to my great surprise nothing is detected (including with all the codes available on this post)

    in doubt I posted the question to support
    they confirm that everything works…?

    I redo the test on my own pods installation > nothing works
    I redo the test on an ACF installation > everything works

    I think we have another proof that pods does not really attach the taxonomies like ACF there is something missing but which one?

    I hope this will help you understand what is wrong

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