• Kahunna


    I’m trying to remove an item from the Batavia theme that shows up in IE6 but not in Firefox. It is the angled shade on the right that spans the length of the header,sidebar, and footer. Anyone see what I need to modify? Here’s my style.css.

    [Edited with Pastebin link]

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  • spencerp


    EDITED* Shoot! It’s timing out for me..maybe that’s why you didn’t use that before…sorry.. =(

    Please remove all that code! Use https://www.pastebin.com and then post that url of your’s in here..

    On a side note though, if the page (Your Blog) didn’t take 2 hours for it to load, I could be able to help ya better.. =(


    Thread Starter Kahunna


    Yeah, I tried to use pastebin last night, but the site wasn’t coming up. It’s working for me now. Here’s the link


    And you saying that my blog is timing out? Are you going to this page?


    Thanks for any help you can give…




    And you saying that my blog is timing out? Are you going to this page?


    No, your blog/site came up fine, just took forever to load for me, I have a dial up connection, and I’m too cheap to get anything better lol..

    I was talking about pastebin timing out for me.. As for your theme, I have just downloaded it and put it up on a Test blog of mine, and on a clean install, no molesting of the files. That problem you’re having doesn’t show up, in FF nor IE.

    I thought about it, and I was thinking it was coming from the Creative Commons “Some Rights Reserved” image at bottom. Just as a test, I had copied the following code below into my footer.php file:

    <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" src="https://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.gif" /></a>

    And it appears that is the culprit.. =( Once I removed that above code out of the footer.php file, that gradient stuff went away..




    Also, if you are not going to use the top nav menu, Which I noticed you commented out in the header.php file. You might also want to comment this javascript line out as well:
    <script language="javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/sb.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    And for some reason, you are spitting out this code below numerous of times, while I viewed the source of the page..

    <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
    function tall(mylink, windowname)
    if (! window.focus)return true;
    var href;
    if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')
    window.open(href, windowname, 'width=460,height=610,scrollbars=no,resizable=no');
    return false;

    I’m not sure though, but I had commented out that below javascript code…and had no problems with it.
    <script language="javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/sb.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    I also commented out the top nav menu. Everything seems to be ok I guess.. Unless that other Javascript stuff is your own or something…I’m not sure about it then.. =/


    Thread Starter Kahunna


    Thanks for your help, Spencerp.

    Unfortunately, it is getting worse before it is getting better. I found the plug-in for the creative commons license. I deactivated it and it still showed the gradient shadow on the right. Step two, I reinstalled the original header from the Batvia 1.5 theme.

    It still showed the gradient!

    On top of that, now I can’t remove the green background from the header! I forgot exactly how I removed it the last time. Do you see what I’m doing wrong with that?

    PS – The javascripts I have are for different pop-up images I have. They are slightly different if you look at them.



    Ok, let’s take a deep breath, and then relax. I was wondering about that extra javascript, and thought it might have been your’s. How about, if you do a hard clear of the cache for both browsers. Ctrl + F5

    Redownload that theme, with un-molested files, BACKUP your current files from the FTP directory to your hard drive:


    Now, don’t remove nothing yet, or replace I mean.. when I viewed your source again…you added the comment out line before the last closing div in the header…

    <hr />
    <img src="https://www.retrotravels.net/graphics/banner02.gif">

    Make it like this (the way you had it before):
    <hr />
    <img src="https://www.retrotravels.net/graphics/banner02.gif">

    Now! Try removing that extra javascript stuff you added in the header.php file or whatever file you added it to.. Let’s take this a little at a time. See what happens.. If you want, here’s my Test blog with it up and running.. I even have used your header image, for testing purposes only lol.. I’ll remove it then later k..



    Me thinks it’s something to do with the javascript stuff, and maybe you haven’t cleared cache good enough before, because that gradient crap was removed for me on the test blog, as soon as I removed that Creative Commons code from the footer.php file.. =/

    Thread Starter Kahunna


    I’ll follow your clearly-written directions in the morning, but are you not seeing the gradient on your link, Spencerp? I did a hard clear cache in IE6 and this is what I see when I load your test blog:




    Hmmm..dang! I didn’t see that the other day though.. =/ I even had refreshed it too.. That gradient is starting to torque me off lol!! I’ll have to check into it more then I guess, or maybe in the mean time, post about the issue on the Theme maker’s site once..

    Like I said, I never had tried this theme before, until the other day when I installed it. But, if it’s being this much of a pain, I’d just download another theme once, that has the same color scheme to it.. prolly would be alot easier. =) Just a suggestion though..


    Thread Starter Kahunna


    Hey Spencrp,

    Looks like the problem was solved in that other thread. Thanks for helping out to get it fixed. I want to ask you about something else that you may have record of (since you saw my coding work at one time and I have accidentally written over it)

    I’m having difficulty removing the original header and replacing it with my image. I did it once before with no problems, not it isn’t working.

    When I did this:

    <hr />
    <img src="https://www.retrotravels.net/graphics/banner02.gif">

    …I got this in FF1.5 (right layout, but no body background color) and this in IE6 (right layout, but body background is same color as original green header background.

    But when I changed the comment-out line after the last closing div in the header…

    <hr />
    <img src="https://www.retrotravels.net/graphics/banner02.gif">

    I got this in both FF1.5 and IE6 (green box at top, right body background color)

    Do you see where in my header I messed up?

    Kolby..I’ll have to reupload the theme again..I have since taken that a08test blog down, trying to save on databases sigh..

    I get right on that though..but, maybe in the meantime, Podz or someone else can help ya with it too.. =)


    Thread Starter Kahunna


    Thanks, Spencer. Anyones help would be grateful. ??

    Ok, Kahunna…what I did, and what you could do is the following:

    In the CSS style.css sheet, To be on the safe side, change this:
    #header {
    margin: auto;
    WIDTH: 100%;
    HEIGHT: 108px;
    COLOR: #7D5B38;

    To this:
    #header {
    margin: auto;
    WIDTH: 100%;
    HEIGHT: 108px;
    COLOR: #7D5B38;

    And change this:
    #headerimg {
    MARGIN: auto;
    text-align: center;
    width: 480px;
    HEIGHT: 200px;

    To this:
    #headerimg {
    MARGIN: auto;
    text-align: center;
    width: 480px;
    HEIGHT: 200px;

    And remove this totally:
    ALL that code in between, INCLUDING the <!-- and ending //-->


    See what happens…I put it up on here:


    Thread Starter Kahunna


    Kubrick fixed? What about Batavia 1.5? lol I’ll try your suggestion and see what happens. thanks!

    Sorry Kolby, I had changed it back to the default while you were gone, because I was using as an example at that time..I’ll put it back to that quick..


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