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  • The emails are setup in includes/emails/template.php and also includes/emails/functions.php

    Thread Starter Craig Griffiths


    Is there any notes or docs on adding custom fields to the receipt?


    Thread Starter Craig Griffiths


    I understand you are working on the problem as well. I was hoping to solve it and save you some time.

    I have created the custom plugin as you suggested.

    I have made changes to the code. It is almost working. I am getting the word “Array” appearing in the email. So I am not getting the data from the payment meta.

    Can I post the code somewhere?

    Can you show me the code in your custom plugin? Posting it here is fine.

    Thread Starter Craig Griffiths


    This is the code from your tutorial which I modified

    Plugin Name: Custom Check Out
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This plugin contains the four custom fields of Telephone, Company, Licence Number and ACN
    Author: Craig Griffiths
    Author URI:
    License URI:
    // output our custom field HTML
    function pippin_edd_custom_checkout_fields() {
    	<p id="edd-phone-wrap">
    		<label class="edd-label" for="edd-phone"><?php _e('Contact Number', 'pippin_edd'); ?></label>
    		<span class="edd-description"><?php _e( 'Enter your phone number so we can get in touch with you.', 'pippin_edd' ); ?></span>
    		<input class="edd-input" type="text" name="edd_phone" id="edd-phone" placeholder="<?php _e('Contact Number', 'pippin_edd'); ?>" value=""/>
    	<p id="edd-phone-wrap">
    		<label class="edd-label" for="edd-company"><?php _e('Company Name', 'pippin_edd'); ?></label>
    		<span class="edd-description"><?php _e( 'Enter the name of your company.', 'pippin_edd' ); ?></span>
    		<input class="edd-input" type="text" name="edd_company" id="edd-company" placeholder="<?php _e('Company Name', 'pippin_edd'); ?>" value=""/>
     <p id="edd-phone-wrap">
    		<label class="edd-label" for="edd-licence"><?php _e('Licence Number', 'pippin_edd'); ?></label>
    		<span class="edd-description"><?php _e( 'Enter your licence number.  So it can be attributed to your licence.', 'pippin_edd' ); ?></span>
    		<input class="edd-input" type="text" name="edd_licence" id="edd-licence" placeholder="<?php _e('licence Number', 'pippin_edd'); ?>" value=""/>
       <p id="edd-phone-wrap">
    		<label class="edd-label" for="edd-ACN"><?php _e('ACN', 'pippin_edd'); ?></label>
    		<span class="edd-description"><?php _e( 'ACN that should appear on the tax invoice.', 'pippin_edd' ); ?></span>
    		<input class="edd-input" type="text" name="edd_ACN" id="edd-ACN" placeholder="<?php _e('ACN', 'pippin_edd'); ?>" value=""/>
    add_action('edd_purchase_form_user_info', 'pippin_edd_custom_checkout_fields');
    // check for errors with out custom fields
    function pippin_edd_validate_custom_fields($valid_data, $data) {
    	if( empty( $data['edd_phone'] ) ) {
    		// check for a phone number
    		edd_set_error( 'invalid_phone', __('Please provide your phone number.', 'pippin_edd') );
    	if( empty( $data['edd_company'] ) ) {
    		// check for a phone number
    		edd_set_error( 'invalid_company', __('Please provide a company name.', 'pippin_edd') );
    if( empty( $data['edd_licence'] ) ) {
    		// check for a phone number
    		edd_set_error( 'invalid_licence', __('You must provide a licence number.', 'pippin_edd') );
    if( empty( $data['edd_ACN'] ) ) {
    		// check for a phone number
    		edd_set_error( 'invalid_ACN', __('An ACN is required so you can claim the GST.', 'pippin_edd') );
    add_action('edd_checkout_error_checks', 'pippin_edd_validate_custom_fields', 10, 2);
    // store the custom field data in the payment meta
    function pippin_edd_store_custom_fields($payment_meta) {
    	$payment_meta['phone']   = isset( $_POST['edd_phone'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['edd_phone'] ) : '';
    	$payment_meta['company'] = isset( $_POST['edd_company'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['edd_company'] ) : '';
    	$payment_meta['licence'] = isset( $_POST['edd_licence'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['edd_licence'] ) : '';
        $payment_meta['ACN'] = isset( $_POST['edd_ACN'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['edd_ACN'] ) : '';
        return $payment_meta;
    add_filter('edd_payment_meta', 'pippin_edd_store_custom_fields');
    // show the custom fields in the "View Order Details" popup
    function pippin_edd_purchase_details($payment_meta, $user_info) {
    	$phone   = isset( $payment_meta['phone'] ) ? $payment_meta['phone'] : 'none';
    	$company = isset( $payment_meta['company'] ) ? $payment_meta['company'] : 'none';
    	$licence = isset( $payment_meta['licence'] ) ? $payment_meta['licence'] : 'none';
        $ACN = isset( $payment_meta['ACN'] ) ? $payment_meta['ACN'] : 'none';
    <li><?php echo __('Phone:', 'pippin_edd') . ' ' . $phone; ?></li>
    <li><?php echo __('Company:', 'pippin_edd') . ' ' . $company; ?></li>
    <li><?php echo __('Licence Number:', 'pippin_edd') . ' ' . $licence; ?></li>
    <li><?php echo __('ACN:', 'pippin_edd') . ' ' . $ACN; ?></li>
    add_action('edd_payment_personal_details_list', 'pippin_edd_purchase_details', 10, 2);
    I have then added this to the Template.php. (I have added a few lines from around the line I have inserted so you know when it is placed in your code (approx line 74.)
    	$file_urls     = '';
    	$download_list = '
    	$cart_items     = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details( $payment_id );
        //next line is one I added trying to get the data from the payment meta.
    	$licence_data = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details( $licence ['licence'] );
    	if ( $cart_items ) {
    		$show_names = apply_filters( 'edd_email_show_names', true );
    		foreach ( $cart_items as $item ) {
    			$price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id( $item );
    I then added this following line so I could display it in the receipt (approx line 145)
    	$message = str_replace( '{receipt_id}', $receipt_id, $message );
    	$message = str_replace( '{payment_id}', $payment_id, $message );
    	//added the next line so I can get a shortcode for the email message.
    	$message = str_replace( '{licence}', $licence_data['licence'], $message );
    	$message = str_replace( '{receipt_link}', sprintf( __( '%1$sView it in your browser.%2$s', 'edd' ), '<a> $receipt_id, 'edd_action' => 'view_receipt' ), home_url() ) . '">', '</a>' ), $message );
    And again at line 204
    	$message = str_replace( '{product_notes}', $notes, $message );
    	$message = str_replace( '{payment_id}', $payment_id, $message );
    	// next line is for the licence number.
    	$message = str_replace( '{licence}', $licence_data['licence'], $message );
    	$message = str_replace( '{receipt_link}', sprintf( __( '%1$sView it in your browser.%2$s', 'edd' ), '<a> $receipt_id, 'edd_action' => 'view_receipt' ), home_url() ) . '">', '</a>' ), $message );
    In the FUNCTIONS.PHP I added the following around line 29
    function edd_email_purchase_receipt( $payment_id, $admin_notice = true ) {
    	global $edd_options;
    	$payment_data = edd_get_payment_meta( $payment_id );
    	// next line to try and get the data....
    	$licence_data = edd_get_payment_meta( $licence );
    	$user_info    = maybe_unserialize( $payment_data['user_info'] );
    	$email        = edd_get_payment_user_email( $payment_id );
    at line 43
    	$message .= edd_get_email_body_content( $payment_id, $payment_data, $licence_data );

    [Please, please use the code buttons – as is, this code may have been corrupted by the forum parsers.]

    I have uploaded the two files to Google Drive here is the link. THANKS SO MUCH.

    That all looks just fine. Are there any questions about it?

    Thread Starter Craig Griffiths


    The plugin works fine. I can’t get the additional fields. Most importantly the “Licence to appear on the email.

    the Template and the Function php are in the link. I have included the lines I have added in the comment. The plugin is working.

    All I get on the email is ARRAY. I was hoping that rather than having to change the template and function PHP there may have been a way of putting some extra code in the plugin.


    $licence_data = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details( $licence ['licence'] );
    $licence_data = edd_get_payment_meta( $payment_id );

    Thread Starter Craig Griffiths


    It seems obvious when you say it. I am feeling a bit dumb. Thanks for the support. Is there a method of making these changes so they are upgrade proof. Just like the additional fields plugin.

    I am on an iPhone at the moment so I can’t check the code.

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter Craig Griffiths


    I’ll see if I can integrate this into the plugin you have supplied the code for. I am also keen to have it appear on the purchase confirmation.



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