• Hello every one. I have a website that keeps crashing my server. It seems that there is a pluging that runs cron jobs every once in a while that keeps crashing my website. The problem is that I do not post things ahead of time with schedule, I keep the website pretty much running like a regular html website with exception of a few plugings, like SEO, Post on Facebook, and the like.

    Is there a way to find out which plugins is the one causing the crashing?

    This is the full list of plugings running. Do you know of any to be a memory huger?

    Add To Facebook
    All in One SEO Pack
    Audio Link Player
    Category Images II
    Contact Form 7
    Excerpts Deluxe
    FeedBurner FeedSmith
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Hebrew Date
    Multi-level Navigation Plugin
    My Youtube Playlist
    Really Simple CAPTCHA
    Related Posts by Category
    Smart Youtube
    Visitor Maps and Who’s Online
    Yoast Breadcrumbs
    YouTube Embed

    Please help me, they keep shooting down my server.

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