Hey Marc, sorry for a bit of a late reply, my colleague is not feeling well, and I can’t tackle this on my own. He knows about this issue and will look at it as soon as he feels better. Thank you for understanding.
I also want to point out that this is a SEO Framework problem. When I deactivate the plugin, the title of the page is fine with the author’s name.
Note that deactivating plugins one by one only isolates the issue. Now you know there is a compatibility issue, not that one plugin does it right and the other wrong. We could just as easily say it is “Molongui problem” and pass the blame. In fact, your website source code is showing you are using “pro” version of their plugin, and we can’t be expected to buy every plugin just so we can debug it. We can not even support our own paid plugin here, according to rules.
Of course, we will try to debug with the free version.
There are tens of thousands of plugins for WordPress and compatibility issues are a common occurrence even if every party involved is writing the code according to WordPress coding standards and Plugin guidelines.
Working on compatibility issues always requires us to install the plugin, figure out what is wrong and make a fix. Often for just one person using a particular combination of plugins. This is time-consuming, unrewarding, and we are certainly not getting paid, excluding the rare occasion when users decide to buy the premium version.
I am not pointing a finger at your support request, we of course will do our best to help, just pointing out the inner working of plugin ecosystem.