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  • I have the same problem. Using Theme X and everything is up to date. It worked fine last month!

    sorry, an url would have been helpful – you can see where events are but there are no pop ups or other details

    thank you!

    is it ok to bump this, it’s still a problem. I tried updating permalinks but not joy. I’m just getting a black dot on the calender where there is an event but no pop up, no links, no details.

    Howdy folks,

    Thanks for getting in touch and sorry for the trouble here.

    It’s quite possible that the issues are different in both cases here, though they seem similar. Still, we’ll try to troubleshooting here based on SRD75’s original question and we can go from there.

    SRD75, does the same issue happen when you use a default WordPress theme, such as TwentyFifteen? How about when deactivating all other plugins? I’m curuous to see if there’s a conflict with the theme or another plugin (or both!).


    I’m really reluctant to change the theme because I’m so nervous of it all messing up. It’s a big site with 35 or so plugins.

    I just discovered that some plugins that wouldn’t update through the plugins folder will update in the update section!

    I updated Woo Commerce and it works like a dream now!
    So, I’m assuming that it was something to do with Woo?

    Ah, nice catch! I wonder if there was a permissions issue at play that would not allow the plugins to update initially. It is very possible that could have revealed a conflict that prevented the plugins from working together. Nice work!

    mwah ha ha, now I shall rule the world ??
    It looks lovely now! Huge thanks

    Thread Starter SRD75


    I received a message from the website owner, stating they were not including a title for the event when posting events, which prevented the events from displaying in month view.

    Now that they create a title for the event, it displays fine.

    (user error)



    Thanks for the updates y’all. Happy it working now.

    – Brook

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