I think I might’ve found the issue from the GitHub for Custom Post Type Widgets:
IMPORTANT: By default, WordPress will not work Date-based permalinks of custom post type. Recommend that you install the plugin in order to edit the permalink, if you are using a Date-based permalinks.
And try the following: Custom Post Type Rewrite
Based on the notes, though at ‘Custom Post Type Rewrite’, you’re probably better off using Custom Post Type Permalinks (more updated, more supported). It’s designed to add those additional rewrites for date, etc.
When you pass along /<post-type>/<year>/<month>/
something has to tell WordPress how to interpret that. That means you’re either adding .htaccess changes yourself, some custom code, or you’re using a plugin like Custom Post Types Permalinks to help you build those in https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/custom-post-type-permalinks/
I’d try out the Custom Post Type Rewrite to see if you get what you’re aiming for.