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  • For those having issues with TinyMCE and the WYSIWYG editor on custom fields – I turned on WP errors and saw this Notice: wp_tiny_mce is deprecated since version 3.3! Use wp_editor() instead.

    I’m going to try to update the call to wp_tiny_mce and see if that solves the issue…

    Turns out the new function wp_editor has a few more capabilities and the fix is not as easy as just changing the function call.

    For my use, I’m going to just switch over to plain old textareas for now – but I’m pretty sure the fix will involve a modification to this deprecated function call – on line 80 in “more-fields-settings-object.php” – and probably some other reworking somewhere because you have to no specify the HTML ids of the textareas for each place the TinyMCE WYSIWYG will appear.

    Hope that helps a bit…

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