• Resolved jfrancais


    In adding a Mosaic/Masonry gallery I’m finding the gallery thumbnails always pull the same image source as the lightbox instead of the image size chosen in thumbnails, which seems to be ignored. I found this post:


    I know thumbnails are usually too small to make a nice mosaic, but in my case, medium size images would work perfect and would prevent having to download all the associated large images at once. Is there any way to do this without touching code? it should would be nice if that thumbnail setting was not ignored.

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  • Plugin Author Sayontan Sinha


    Can you provide me with a URL please?

    Thread Starter jfrancais


    no need. When I was looking thru the code I discovered a tile_size attribute in the shortcode. I don’t see a way to set it in the UI, but when I editted the shortcode and put tile_size=”medium” the tiled images use that image size.

    Plugin Author Sayontan Sinha


    There a “Tile size” option that shows up, with values specific to the source you are using:

    Don’t you see this?

    Thread Starter jfrancais


    I do not. (using built in WordPress gallery replacement). Photonic WP Gallery Settings with no such options.

    Plugin Author Sayontan Sinha


    So what do you see in the “Configure your Layout” screen after you have selected the layout? The “Tile Size” shows up as the last option on the screen if you are using a WP gallery and your layout is either Random Justified Grid, or Masonry, or Mosaic. Can you paste a screenshot of your screen?

    Thread Starter jfrancais


    I don’t know where configure your layout is at all. I’m using the edit gallery interface.



    Here are a couple screenshots of what I see.

    Plugin Author Sayontan Sinha


    How are you creating / editing the gallery? You seem to be using the traditional interface, which was superseded by an interactive interface almost a year back. The older interface is still available, but it is used only if there is no way to use the interactive interface.

    Are you using Gutenberg or the Classic Editor?
    If you are using Gutenberg, did you create the gallery using the Photonic block?
    If you are using the Classic Editor, do you see the button that says “Add / Edit Photonic Gallery”?

    Thread Starter jfrancais


    I’m using the Divi editor, which disables Gutenberg. The gallery is created using the Add Media wordpress function. I’m now seeing the interface you are referring to, with the Add/Edit Phototonic Gallery button.

    I see how I can now set those settings without editing the shortcode by hand. It would be nice if the UI was updating in the standard WordPress Gallery (Add media) UI to reflect the new options, or if that information was stripped out completely from that as it is confusing having it there and out of date.

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