• I don’t know what to make of this. It’s a fresh install on a hosting site and I am stuck at the first post. I wanted to post a message similar to this:

    HW: 520, 2xSCSI, 2xFC, FAStT200, 3534-F08
    SW: AIX 5.3 ML4
    NET: GW ? (DNS:, ?, prometa.hu)
    ACC: roto/izeize
    JOB: 53ML4/suma OK. Committed.
    JOB: X11 install OK. X11.Dt.rte + reqs.
    JOB: hu_HU istall OK. bos.iconv.iso2, bos.loc.iso.hu_HU.
    ATT: A Win az AIX cd-n lév? kis- és nagybet?ket nem kül?nb?zteti meg, ezért pl. a bos.loc.iso.hu_HU és bos.loc.iso.HU_HU fájlszetek egyike nem lesz olvasható!

    And pressing “Save and continue editing” gave me a 403 Forbidden. I, then, tested my WP with a short (one single letter) post and it worked. I thought I had some strange characters in the original post that caused the 403, so I continued and eliminated all non-English characters. But I was on a bad track. After an hour and a half I had figured out that it was a three-charcter string that was causing it. It was this (don’t laugh): “CC:” It’s in line 4 of the original post. I can recreate it, anytime a post contains this string, even if it is embedded (“xyzCC:xyz”), the post fails and I get a 403 Forbidden.

    Any idea what is going on? I am frightened.

    My site details:
    PHP Version 4.4.2
    MySQL Version: 4.1.14
    WP Version: 2.0.1

    System Linux w10.eleven2.com 2.6.9-22.ELsmp #1 SMP Sat Oct 8 19:11:43 CDT 2005 i686
    Build Date Feb 3 2006 21:38:46

    Configure Command ‘./configure’ ‘–with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs’ ‘–prefix=/usr/local’ ‘–with-xml’ ‘–with-mm’ ‘–enable-bcmath’ ‘–enable-calendar’ ‘–with-curl’ ‘–with-dom’ ‘–with-dom-xslt’ ‘–with-dom-exslt’ ‘–enable-exif’ ‘–with-swf=/usr/local/flash’ ‘–enable-ftp’ ‘–with-gd’ ‘–with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local’ ‘–with-png-dir=/usr’ ‘–with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6’ ‘–with-gettext’ ‘–with-iconv’ ‘–with-imap’ ‘–with-imap-ssl’ ‘–with-kerberos’ ‘–enable-mbstring’ ‘–enable-mbstr-enc-trans’ ‘–enable-mbregex’ ‘–with-mcrypt’ ‘–with-mhash’ ‘–with-ming=../ming-0.2a’ ‘–enable-magic-quotes’ ‘–with-mm’ ‘–with-mysqli’ ‘–with-mysql=/usr’ ‘–with-openssl’ ‘–enable-discard-path’ ‘–with-pear’ ‘–with-pgsql=/usr’ ‘–with-pspell’ ‘–enable-xslt’ ‘–with-xslt-sablot’ ‘–enable-sockets’ ‘–enable-track-vars’ ‘–with-ttf’ ‘–with-freetype-dir=/usr’ ‘–enable-gd-native-ttf’ ‘–enable-versioning’ ‘–enable-wddx’ ‘–with-xmlrpc’ ‘–with-zip’ ‘–with-zlib’

    Server API Apache

    Virtual Directory Support disabled
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini
    PHP API 20020918
    PHP Extension 20020429
    Zend Extension 20050606
    Debug Build no
    Zend Memory Manager enabled
    Thread Safety disabled
    Registered PHP Streams php, http, ftp, https, ftps, compress.zlib

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