Hi there @brownbagmarketing,
Yes, I’m using the ACF plugin button inside WooCommerce. However, I’d be surprised if WooCommerce is adding the ‘disabled’ class to the button. Especially because it appears in the exact same place as ‘primary’. Here’s an example of button 1 (which is the button with the issue):
class="button disabled btn btn-default btn-sm opgavelink"
And here’s an example of button 2 (which is working correctly):
class="button primary btn btn-default btn-sm opgavelink"
‘primary’ is coming from ‘Default Color’ and that’s also, I believe, where ‘disabled’ would initially have come from for button 1. Hope that makes sense! So ‘disabled’ can actually be set within the plugin, under ‘Default Color’… I initially picked ‘disabled’ because I am using custom classes for all styling.
So it seems to me, that for some reason, WordPress won’t register that I’ve now changed ‘Default Color’ to ‘primary’ and that is, I believe, what is causing the issue… Or that ‘disabled’ is included in the class even though it’s suggesting that it won’t be since it’s supposed to be disabled ??
I would be happy to just make a new button and use that instead, the problem with that is, however, that I’ve used button 1 for many different products and it would be a lot of work finding and updating each of them individually. Finally, I’m thinking that perhaps this is a good opportunity to improve the plugin a bit?
What do you think?