Okay cool, here’s where you can download the child theme:
Download Tracks child theme
Here are the steps for activating the child theme:
- Visit your site’s dashboard
- Go to the Appearance menu
- Click on the “Add New” button at the top of the page
- Click on the “Upload Theme” button at the top of the page
- Click on the “Choose File” button
- Select the tracks-child.zip file you downloaded from this email
- Click “Install Now”
- Once the page reloads, click the blue “activate” link
Once activated, the After Post Content widgets will display after the comments.
If you have changed any settings in the Customizer, they may not be carried over when you activate the child theme. Don’t worry if this happens. You just need to switch back to Tracks, and then export your settings with the Customizer Export/Import plugin. You can then switch back to the child theme and import your settings. Then the site will display exactly the same, but with the widgets after the comments.